PEB 22554
Functional Description E1
Semiconductor Group
Transmit Signaling Controller
Similar to the receive signaling controller the same signaling methods and the same
time-slot assignment is provided. The QuadFALC will perform the following signaling and
data link methods:
HDLC or LAPD access
The transmit signaling controller of the QuadFALC performs the FLAG generation,
CRC generation, zero bit-stuffing and programmable IDLE code generation. Buffering
of transmit data is done in the 64 byte deep XFIFO. The signaling information will be
internally multiplexed with the data applied to port XDI or XSIG.
In signaling controller transparent mode, fully transparent data transmission without
HDLC framing is performed. Optionally the QuadFALC supports the continuous
transmission of the XFIFO contents.
The QuadFALC offers the flexibility to insert data during certain time-slots. Any
combinations of time-slots may be programmed separately for the receive and
transmit directions.
bit Access
The QuadFALC supports the S
bit signaling of time-slot 0 of every other frame as
- the access via registers XSW
- the access via registers XSA8-4, capable of storing the information for a complete
- the access via the 64 byte deep XFIFO of the signaling controller. This S
bit access
gives the opportunity to transparent a bit stream as well as HDLC frames where the
signaling controller automatically processes the HDLC protocol. Any combination of
bits which should be inserted in the outgoing data stream may be selected by
Channel Associated Signaling CAS
Transmit data stored in registers XS1-16 will transmitted on a multiframe boundary in
time-slot 16. The signaling controller inserts the bit stream either on the transmit line
side or if external signaling is enabled on the transmit system side via pinfunction
XSIG, which is selected by register PC1-4.
In external signaling mode the signaling data is received at port XSIG. The signaling
data is sampled with the working clock of the transmit system interface (SCLKX) in
conjunction with the transmit synchron. pulse (SYPX). Data on XSIG will be latched in
the bit positions 5-8 per time-slot, bits 1-4 will be ignored. Time-slot 0 and 16 are
sampled completly (bit 1-8). The received CAS multiframe will be inserted frame
aligned into the data stream on XDI. Data sourced by the internal signaling controller
will overwrite the external signaling data.
If the QuadFALC is optioned for no signaling, the data stream from the system interface
will pass the QuadFALC undisturbed.