Data Sheet
August 1999
TMPR28051 STS-1/AU-3 (STM-0) Mapper
Lucent Technologies Inc.
Ordering Information
DS99-068SONT Replaces DS98-100TIC to Incorporate the Following Updates
1. Page 1, added bulleted items concerning 3.3 V operation, and alarm and control standards.
2. Page 5, Description (continued) section, replaced the Lucent T7690/T7693 Quad Line Transceiver interfacing
device with the Lucent T7698FL3/T7693 Quad Line Transceiver.
3. Page 5, Figure 1, Block Diagram, clarified block flow.
4. Page 6, changed pin 184 and all corresponding references to TCK.
5. Page 7, clarified Pin 102.
6. Page 10, organized Nomenclature Assumptions section from the text at the beginning of the Description sec-
7. Page 10—page 19, clarified block descriptions.
8. Page 14, 2nd paragraph, corrected the explanation of the reduced H4 coding sequence format from “alternate
between” to “take on the following values.”
9. Page 23—page 36, updated register map.
10. Page 37—page 59, updated register description text and placed text in tables.
11. Page 42, Table , Registers 0x00—0x16: Device-Level Control, Alarm, and Mask Bits, corrected the test pat-
tern sequence for register XMT_PAT-0, bits 01 and 11 combinations.
12. Page 49, Table 18, Registers 0x33—0x4E: VT Drop Selection, corrected VTxDROP, bits 4 through 0, to
13. Page 54, Table 24, Registers 0x8A—0x8F: Digital Jitter Attenuator Controls, added the register default val-
14. Page 65, Table 34, Absolute Maximum Ratings, updated table, including input and output voltages.
15. Page 65, Table 35, ESD Threshold Voltage, added parameters and values.
16. Page 66, Table 36, Recommended Operating Conditions, updated to list 3.3 V power dissipation for DS1
and E1.
17. Page 67, Table 38, Input Clock Specifications, added to the document.
18. Page 69, Table 40, Output Clock Specifications, added to the document.
19. Page 70, Transmit Sync Timing section, expanded and corrected.
20. Page 71, Figure 15, Bus Parallel Mode Receive Sync Timing, corrected pin name.
21. Page 75, updated device code.
22. TMPR28051 STS-1/AU-3 (STM-0) Mapper Device Advisory for Version 2 of the Device,
TMPR28051 STS-1/AU-3 (STM-0) Mapper Device Advisory for Version 3 of the Device,
TMPR28051 STS-1/AU-3 (STM-0) Mapper Device Advisory for Version 4 of the Device,
TMPR28051 STS-1/AU-3 (STM-0) Data Addendum, included all printed advisories and an addendum through
version 4, each published in April 1999, (AY99-026SONT, AY99-027SONT, AY99-028SONT,
DA99-009SONT). An advisory was not issued for version 1 of the device.
Device Code
(Ordering Number)
208-Pin SQFP
–40 °C to +85 °C