SLVS368 APRIL 2001
detailed description
linear current amplifier
The linear current amplifiers (LCAs) provide closed-loop control over the inrush current during live insertion or
remote turn-on. This closed-loop operation provides direct control of the maximum current that is supplied to
the load, and allows the user to establish the current transient profile.
The current magnitude information is provided as the voltage drop across a low-value sense resistor at the
non-inverting input of the LCA. This voltage is compared to a user-programmable reference at the IMAXx inputs.
When power is applied to the plug-in card and the device is enabled, the LCA output starts to ramp the voltage
of its corresponding MOSFET gate. As the load current increases, the voltage at the CSx pin approaches that
of the IMAXx pin. The LCA servos the GATEx output to maintain equal voltages at its inputs. In this mode, the
external MOSFET acts as a constant current source at this preset current level, herein referred to as IMAX.
Once the bulk capacitance of the load electronics is charged to the input supply level, the inrush current tapers
off to the steady-state load level. With decreasing voltage drop across the sense resistor, the voltage at the
non-inverting input rises. The LCA then saturates, attempting to drive the GATEx output to its supply level. An
internal charge pump supplies this drive voltage (VPP in the block diagram) to fully enhance the external FETs.
LCA operation in the linear mode also starts an internal timer (see Fault Timer section). Should the timer expire
under a continued constant-current condition, the LCA is disabled, and additional gate discharge paths are
turned on to pull the gate low with a nominal 100-mA current. This feature prevents indefinite current sourcing
into a faulty load, such as a short-circuit.
The VCC/CS1 input is a dual function pin used for input power to the chip, as well as the current sense input
for the channel 1 LCA and overcurrent comparator (OVLD COMP in the functional block diagram). CS2 is the
current sense for the LCA and overcurrent comparator on the second (channel 2) supply controller. The CSx
sense inputs are connected to the load side of each of the sense resistors. For proper device operation,
VCC/CS1 must be connected to the sense resistor on the input supply with the highest potential. CS2 is
connected to the sense resistor on the input supply with the lower voltage potential. In typical applications, the
device supply current (4 mA maximum at VCC = 13.6 V) is small in relation to the monitored output current, and
so has negligible impact on the accuracy of the constant current threshold.
overcurrent comparator
Each supply is also monitored by an overcurrent (or overload) comparator, whose threshold is set relative to
the maximum sourcing, or IMAX, limit. The overcurrent comparators provide the electronic circuit breaker
function once the LCAs have left the constant-current operating mode and the MOSFET is fully enhanced. The
overcurrent thresholds define catastrophic fault current levels. Should a current overload be detected by the
device, the LCAs are immediately disabled, and the external FETs turned off, bypassing the fault timer.
The overcurrent comparators are required due to the finite response time required to pull the LCAs out of
saturation once the MOSFETs are fully enhanced. If a fault exists when power is initially applied to the board,
the LCA starts up in constant-current mode and limits the load current to IMAX until the fault timer expires. The
overcurrent comparator does not trip under this condition.