User’s Manual U19678EJ1V1UD
7.5.13 Operation as non-complementary modulation output function (type 1)
The 120 excitation method is an inverter control method used for 3-phase brushless DC motors.
The non-
complementary modulation output function (type 1) can be used to realize this method. The non-complementary
modulation output function sets six duty widths for one period and generates a 6 or 3 PWM output. One period
generation channel and six duty generation channels are prepared (6-phase PWM output function). Channel 0 is used
for generating the cycle and channels 2 to 7 are used for generating the duty (6-phase PWM output function). See
7.5.3 Operation as 6-phase PWM output function for details of the 6-phase PWM function.
The output is modulated in accordance with the TROm value corresponding to the TOm pin that generates the
PWM waveform. Channel 1 should therefore be set as the real-time output trigger generation channel. See 7.5.10
Operation as linked real-time output function (type 1) for details of real-time output triggers.
Non-complementary modulation output is generated by using PWM, which is generated using the 6-phase PWM
output function, the TROm output, which is generated by the linked real-time function (type 1), and manipulation of the
TMEm bit of timer modulation output enable register 0 (TME0).
The master channel operates in the interval timer mode and counts the periods.
Slave channel 1 operates in one-count mode and generates a real-time output trigger. To match the real-time
output trigger generation timing (TROm reflection timing) and the active timing of PWM generated by slave channels 2
to 7, set TDR01 to 0000H and operate slave channel 1.
Slave channels 2 to 7 operate in one-count mode, count the duty factor, and generate 6-phase PWM waveforms.
Furthermore, modulation output is controlled by manipulating TMEm. Non-complementary modulation output can
be performed by outputting from the TOm pin the logical product of the PWM and real-time outputs when TMEm is “1”.
When TMEm is “0”, the real-time output setting value (TROm) will be output from the TOm pin.
To modulate the PWM and real-time outputs and output them from the TOm pin, operation must be started with the
default level of TOm of slave channels 2 to 7 at low level. TOLm of slave channels 2 to 7 is assumed to be fixed to “0”,
and TLS2 to TLS7 (OPMR registers) are used if inversion control is required.
Modulation control of the PWM and real-time outputs is performed when TROm being “1” (active level: high level).
Modulation output of the PWM output isn’t performed when TROm set to “0”.
TS00, TS01, or TSm cannot be set to “1” (forcible restart) while TE00 = 1, TE01 = 1, or TEm = 1. If
TS00, TS01, or TSm is set to “1” while TE00 = 1, TE01 = 1, or TEm = 1, the counter value (TCR00,
TCR01, or TCRm) will be illegal and TOm will not be able to output the expected waveform.
m = 02 to 07