March 1, 2000
WEB Write Enable (WEB) (active low)
The WEB signal is high when the microprocessor is reading data from external memory or I/O and high when it
is reading or writing to internal memory or I/O. When WEB is low the microprocessor is writing to external
memory or external I/O. The WEB signal is bidirectional; when BE is low WEB is an input for DMA
operations to on-chip RAM or I/O. When BE is high during PHI2 low the internal microprocessor controls
RUN and SYNC outputs with WAI and STP defined (RUN)
The RUN function of the RUN output is pulled low as the result of a WAI or STP instruction.
RUN is used to signal an external oscillator to start PHI2. The processor is stopped when RUN
is low.
When BCR3=1 (ICE mode), the SYNC function (SYNC=1 indicates an opcode fetch) is
multiplexed on RUN during PHI2 low time and RUN is multiplexed during PHI2 high time.
When BCR3=0 (normal operating mode), the RUN function is output during the entire clock
cycle. The ICE module demultiplexes RUN to provide full emulation capability for the RUN
The BE input has no effect on RUN.
When RUN goes low the PHI2 signal may be stopped when high or low; however, it is
recommended PHI2 stop in the high state. When RUN goes high due to an enabled interrupt or
reset, the internal PHI2 clock is requested to start. The clock control function is referred to as the
RUN function of RUN.
The WAI instruction pulls RUN low during PHI2 high time. RUN stays low until an enabled
interrupt is requested or until RESB goes from low to high, starting the microprocessor.
The STP instruction pulls RUN low during PHI2 high time and stops the internal PHI2 clock.
RUN remains low and the clock remains stopped until an enabled interrupt is requested or RESB
goes from low to high.
FCLK can be started or stopped by writing to Timer Control Register One (TCR12) bit 2. When
TCR12=0 (reset forces TCR12=0), FCLK is stopped. When TCR12=1, FCLK is started. When
starting FCLK oscillator, the system software should wait (100 milliseconds or an appropriate
amount of time) for the oscillator to be stable before using FCLK.
Phase 2 Clock Output (PHI2)
PHI2 output is the main system clock used by the microprocessor for instruction timing, general on-chip
memory, and I/O timing. PHI2 also is used by the timers when enabled for counting PHI2 clock pulse. The
PHI2 clock source is either CLK or FCLK depending on the value of Timer Control Register One bit 1
(TCR11). When TCR11=0, then CLK is the PHI2 clock source. When TCR11=1, then FCLK is the PHI2
clock source.
Clock Inputs (CLK, FCLK), Clock Outputs (CLKOB, FCLKOB)
CLK and FCLK inputs are used by the timers for PHI2 system clock generation, counting events or
implementing Real Time clock type functions. CLK should always be equal to or less than one-fourth the FCLK
clock rate when FCLK is running (see the timer description for more information). CLKOB, FCLKOB outputs
are the inverted CLK and FCLK inputs that are used for oscillator circuits that employ crystals or a
resistor-capacitor time base. Timer Control Register One bit 1 (TCR11) selects if CLK (TCR11=0) or FCLK
(TCR11=1) is used as the PHI2 clock source.