27243B2 May 15, 2007
the same manner. This mode dispenses with the initial two unlock cycles required
in the standard program command sequence, resulting in faster total program-
ming time. The host system may also initiate the chip erase and sector erase
sequences in the unlock bypass mode. The erase command sequences are four
page 36 shows the requirements for the unlock bypass command sequences.
During the unlock bypass mode, only the Unlock Bypass Program, Unlock Bypass
Sector Erase, Unlock Bypass Chip Erase, and Unlock Bypass Reset commands are
valid. To exit the unlock bypass mode, the system must issue the two-cycle un-
lock bypass reset command sequence. The first cycle must contain the bank
address and the data 90h. The second cycle need only contain the data 00h. The
bank then returns to the read mode.
The device offers accelerated program operations through the ACC input. When
the system asserts VID on this input, the device automatically enters the Unlock
Bypass mode. The system may then write the two-cycle Unlock Bypass program
command sequence. The device uses the higher voltage on the ACC input to ac-
celerate the operation.
Figure 2 illustrates the algorithm for the program operation. Refer to the Erase/
Program Operations table in the AC Characteristics section for parameters, and
Figure 2. Erase Operation
Chip Erase Command Sequence
Chip erase is a six bus cycle operation. The chip erase command sequence is ini-
tiated by writing two unlock cycles, followed by a set-up command. Two
additional unlock write cycles are then followed by the chip erase command,
which in turn invokes the Embedded Erase algorithm. The device does not require
Write Erase
Command Sequence
Data Poll
from System
Data = FFh?
Erasure Completed
in progress