Clock Input
This pin connects to a 25-MHz +50 ppm clock source
with a 40% to 60% duty cycle. When a crystal input is
used, this pin should be pulled low via a 1 k resistor.
Input, Pull-Down
Crystal Inputs
These pins should be connected to a 25-MHz crystal.
The crystal should be parallel resonant and have a fre-
quency stability of +100 ppm and a frequency tolerance
of +50 ppm. REFCLK (Pin 5) should be pulled low
when the crystal is used as a clock source.
Analog Input
These pins may be left unconnected when REFCLK is
used as a clock source.
25 MHz Clock
When the CLK25EN pin is pulled low, the CLK25 pin
provides a continuous 25 MHz clock to the MAC.
Test Enable
When pulled high via a 10 k resistor, this pin forces
the NetPHY-1LP device into Burn-in mode for reliability
assurance control. When left unconnected the device
operates normally.
Input, Pull-Down
Test Output
When BURN_IN (pin 7) is pulled high, this pin serves
as a test mode output monitor pin. TEST2 can be left
unconnected when the device is operating.
Analog Output
A LOW input forces the NetPHY-1LP device to a known
reset state. The chip can also be reset through internal
power-on-reset or MII Register 0, bit 15.
Input, Pull-Up
Power Down
If this pin is pulled high via a 10 k resistor on the rising
edge of reset, the device will power down the analog
modules and reset the digital circuits. However, the de-
vice will still respond to MDC/MDIO data. The same
power-down state can also be achieved through the MII
Register 0, bit 11. However, the device will respond ac-
tivity on the PWRDN pin even when bit 11 is not set.
Input, Pull-Down
When left unconnected, the device operates normally.
PHY Address
These pins allow 32 configurable PHY addresses. The
PHYAD will also determine the scramble seed, which
helps to reduce EMI when there are multiple ports
switching at the same time (repeater/switch applica-
Input/Output, Pull-Up
tions). Each pin should either be pulled low via a 1 k
4.7 k
resistor (set bit to zero) or left unconnected
(set bit to 1) in order to achieve the desired PHY ad-
dress. New address changes take effect after a reset
has been issued, or at power up.
In PCS bypass mode, PHYAD[4:0] and GPIO[1:0]
serves as 10BASE-T serial input and output.
In GPSI mode, the PHYAD pins must be set to
addresses other than 00h.
General Purpose I/O 0
If this pin is pulled low via a 10 k resistor, on the rising
edge of reset, the device will operate in 10BASE-T
7-wire (GPSI) mode. If this pin is left unconnected dur-
ing the rising edge of reset, the device will operate in
standard MII mode.
Input/Output, Pull-Up
After the reset operation has completed, this pin can
function as an input or an output (dependent on the
value of GPIO[0] DIR (MII Register 16, bit 6). If MII
Register 16, bit 6 is set HIGH, GPIO[0] is an input. The
input value on the GPIO[0] pin will be reflected in MII
Register 16, bit 7
GPIO[0] Data. If MII Register 16, bit
6 is set LOW, GPIO[0] is an output. The value of MII
Register 16, bit 7 will be reflected on the GPIO[0]
output pin.
General Purpose I/O 1
If this pin is pulled high via a 10 k resistor, on the ris-
ing edge of reset, the device will be enabled for use
with a 1.25:1 transmit ratio transformer. If this pin is left
unconnected during the rising edge of reset, the device
will be enabled for use with a 1:1 transmit ratio
Input/Output, Pull-Down
After the reset operation has completed, this pin can
function as an input or an output (dependent on the
value of GPIO[1] DIR
MII Register 16, bit 8). If MII
Register 16, bit 8 is set HIGH, GPIO[1] is an input. The
input value on the GPIO[1] pin will be reflected in MII
Register 16, bit 9
GPIO[1] Data. If MII Register 16,
bit 8 is set LOW, GPIO[1] is an output. The value of MII
Register 16, bit 9 will be reflected on the GPIO[1]
output pin.
Management Data Input/Output
This pin is a bidirectional data interface used by the
MAC to access management registers within the Net-
PHY-1LP device. This pin has an internal pull-down,
therefore, it requires a 1.5 k
fied in IEEE 802.3 when interfaced with a MAC. This
pin can be left unconnected when management is not
pull-up resistor as speci-