transceiver utilized for the DAI interface must not loop
back the transmit data (presented by the MACE device)
on the TXDAT
pins to the RXDAT pin. Neither should
the transceiver assert the RXCRS pin when transmitting
data to the network. Duplication of these functions by
the external transceiver (unless the MACE device is in
the external loop back test configuration) will cause
false collision indications to be detected.
In order to provide an integrity test of the connectivity be-
tween the MACE device and the external transceiver
similar to the SQE Test Message provided as a part of
the AUI functionality, the MACE device can be pro-
grammed to operate the DAI port in an external loop-
back test. In this case, the external transceiver is
assumed to loopback the TXDAT
data stream to the
RXDAT pin, and assert RXCRS in response to the
request. When in the external loopback mode of
operation (programmed by LOOP [1–0] = 01), the
MACE device will not internally detect a collision condi-
tion. The external transceiver is assumed to take action
to ensure that this test will not disrupt the network. This
type of test is intended to be operated for a very limited
period (e.g. after power up), since the transceiver is as-
sumed to be located physically close to the MACE de-
vice and with minimal risk of disconnection (e.g.
connected via printed circuit board traces).
Note that when the DAI port is selected, LCAR errors
will not occur, since the MACE device will internally loop
back the transmit data path to the receiver. This loop
back function must not be duplicated by a transceiver
which is externally connected via the DAI port, since this
will result in a condition where a collision is generated
during any transmit activity.
The transmit function of the DAI port is protected by a
jabber mechanism which will be invoked if the TXDAT
circuit is active for an excessive period (20 –
150 ms). This prevents a single node from disrupting the
network due to a stuck-onor faulty transmitter. If this
maximum transmit time is exceeded, the DAI port trans-
mitter circuitry is disabled, the CLSN pin is asserted, the
Jabber bit (JAB in the Interrupt Register) is set and the
pin will be asserted providing the JABM bit (Inter-
rupt Mask Register) is cleared. Once the internal
transmit data stream from the MENDEC stops (
deasserts), an unjabtime of 250 ms–750 ms will elapse
before the MACE device deasserts the CLSN indication
and re-enables the transmit circuitry.
When jabber is detected, the MACE device will assert
the CLSN pin, de-assert the
pin (regardless of in-
ternal MENDEC activity) and set the TXDAT+ and
TXDAT pins to their inactive state.
10BASE-T Interface
Twisted Pair Transmit Function
Data transmission over the 10BASE-T medium requires
use of the integrated 10BASE-T MAU, and uses the dif-
ferential driver circuitry in the TXD
and TXP
pins. The
driver circuitry provides the necessary electrical driving
capability and the pre-distortion control for transmitting
signals over maximum length Twisted Pair cable, as
specified by the 10BASE-T supplement to the IEEE
802.3 Standard. The transmit function for data output
meets the propagation delays and jitter specified by the
standard. During normal transmission, and providing
that the 10BASE-T MAU is not in a Link Fail or jabber
state, the
pin will be driven LOW and can be used
indirectly to drive a status LED.
Twisted Pair Receive Function
The receiver complies with the receiver specifications of
the IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T Standard, including noise
immunity and received signal rejection criteria (Smart
Squelch). Signals meeting this criteria appearing at the
differential input pair are routed to the internal
MENDEC. The receiver function meets the propagation
delays and jitter requirements specified by the
10BASE-T Standard. The receiver squelch level drops
to half its threshold value after unsquelch to allow recep-
tion of minimum amplitude signals and to mitigate car-
rier fade in the event of worst case signal attenuation
and crosstalk noise conditions. During receive, the
RXCRS pin is driven HIGH and can be used indirectly to
drive a status LED.
Note that the 10BASE-T Standard defines the receive
input amplitude at the external Media Dependent Inter-
face (MDI). Filter and transformer loss are not specified.
The 10BASE-T MAU receiver squelch levels are de-
fined to account for a 1dB insertion loss at 10 MHz,
which is typical for the type of receive filters/transform-
ers recommended (see the Appendix for additional
Normal 10BASE-T compatible receive thresholds are
employed when the LRT bit is inactive (PHY Configura-
tion Control register). When the LRT bit is set, the Low
Receive Threshold option is invoked, and the sensitivity
of the 10BASE-T MAU receiver is increased. This allows
longer line lengths to be employed, exceeding the 100m
target distance of normal 10BASE-T (assuming typical
24 AWG cable). The additional cable distance attributes
directly to increased signal attenuation and reduced sig-
nal amplitude at the 10BASE-T MAU receiver. However,
from a system perspective, making the receiver more
sensitive means that it is also more susceptible to