Command Bus and DQ Bus
CMD[10:0] carries the command and its associat-
ed parameter. DQ[71:0] is used for data transfer to
and from the database entries. These entries com-
prise a data and a mask field that are organized as
data and mask arrays. The DQ Bus carries the
search data (of the data and mask arrays and in-
ternal registers) during the SEARCH command as
well as the address and data during READ and/or
WRITE operations. The DQ Bus can also carry the
address information for the flow-through accesses
to the external SRAMs and/or SSRAMs.
Database Entry (Data Array and Mask Array)
Each database entry comprises a data and a mask
field. The resultant value of the entry is
” “
X (don
t care),
depending on the value in the data
and mask bits. The on-chip priority encoder se-
lects the first matching entry in the database that
is nearest to location
Arbitration Logic
When multiple Search Engines are cascaded to
create large databases, the data being searched is
presented to all Search Engines simultaneously in
the cascaded system. If multiple matches occur
within the cascaded devices, arbitration logic on
the Search Engines will enable the winning device
(with a matching entry that is closest to address
of the cascaded database) to drive the SRAM bus.
Pipeline and SRAM Control
Pipeline latency is added to give enough time to a
cascaded system
s arbitration logic to determine
the device that will drive the index of the matching
entry on the SRAM bus. Pipeline logic adds laten-
cy to both the SRAM access cycles and the SSF
and SSV signals to align them to the host ASIC re-
ceiving the associated data.
Full Logic
Bit[0] in each of the 72-bit entries has a special
purpose for the LEARN command (0 = empty, 1 =
full). When all the data entries have bit[0] = 1, the
database asserts the FULL Flag, indicating all the
Search Engines in the depth-cascaded array are
Connection Descriptions
This signal allows
the selection of clock input to the CLK1X/CLK2X
pin. If the CLK_MODE pin is low, CLK2X must be
supplied on that pin. PHS_L must also be sup-
plied. If the CLK_MODE pin is high, CLK1X must
be supplied on the CLK2X/CLK1X pin, and the
CLK_MODE is high, PHS_L is unused and should
be externally grounded.
Master Clock (CLK2X/CLK1X).
the CLK_MODE pin, either the CLK2X or the
CLK1X must be supplied. M7040N samples con-
trol and data signals on both the edges of CLK1X
if CLK1X is supplied. M7040N samples all the data
and control pins on the positive edge of CLK2X if
the CLK2X and PHS_L signals are supplied. All
signals are driven out of the device on the rising
edge of CLK1X if CLK1X is supplied, and are driv-
en on the rising edge of CLK2X (when PHS_L is
low) if CLK2X is supplied.
Phase (PHS_L).
This signal runs at half the fre-
quency of CLK2X and generates an internal clock
from CLK2X (see Figure 10, page 21).
Test Output (TEST_CO).
This is test output and
will stay unconnected in the application of the de-
Test Input (TEST).
This signal should be con-
nected to ground.
Test Input (TEST_FM).
This signal should be
connected to ground.
Reset (RST_L).
Driving RST_L low initializes the
device to a known state.
Test Input (TEST_PB).
This signal should be
connected to ground.
When CFG_L is low, M7040N will
operate in backward compatibility mode with
M7010 and M7020. When CFG_L is low, the
CMD[10:9] should be externally grounded. With
CFG_L low, the device will behave identically with
M7010 and M7020, and the new feature added to
M7040N will be disabled.
When CFG_L is high, the additional command
CMD[10:9] can be used and the following addition-
al features will be supported:
1. 16 pairs of Global Masks are supported instead
of eight;
2. Parallel WRITE to the data and mask arrays is
supported (see Parallel WRITE, page 38); and
3. configuring tables of up to three different widths
does not require table identification bits in the
data array, thus saving two bits from each 72-bit