Chapter 8 Multi-Purpose Clock Generator (S08MCGV2)
MC9S08DZ128 Series Data Sheet, Rev. 1
Freescale Semiconductor
R is the reference divider selected by the RDIV bits, B is the bus frequency divider selected by the BDIV bits,
F is the FLL factor selected by the DRS and DMX32 bits, and M is the multiplier selected by the VDIV bits.
This section will include 3 mode switching examples using an 8 MHz external crystal. If using an external
clock source less than 1 MHz, the MCG should not be congured for any of the PLL modes (PEE and
Example # 1: Moving from FEI to PEE Mode: External Crystal = 8 MHz,
Bus Frequency = 16 MHz
In this example, the MCG will move through the proper operational modes from FEI to PEE mode until
the 8 MHz crystal reference frequency is set to achieve a bus frequency of 16 MHz. Because the MCG is
in FEI mode out of reset, this example also shows how to initialize the MCG for PEE mode out of reset.
First, the code sequence will be described. Then a owchart will be included which illustrates the
1. First, FEI must transition to FBE mode:
a) MCGC2 = 0x36 (%00110110)
– BDIV (bits 7 and 6) set to %00, or divide-by-1
– RANGE (bit 5) set to 1 because the frequency of 8 MHz is within the high frequency range
– HGO (bit 4) set to 1 to congure external oscillator for high gain operation
– EREFS (bit 2) set to 1, because a crystal is being used
– ERCLKEN (bit 1) set to 1 to ensure the external reference clock is active
b) Loop until OSCINIT (bit 1) in MCGSC is 1, indicating the crystal selected by the EREFS bit
has been initialized.
c) Because RANGE = 1, set DIV32 (bit 4) in MCGC3 to allow access to the proper RDIV bits
while in an FLL external mode.
d) MCGC1 = 0x98 (%10011000)
– CLKS (bits 7 and 6) set to %10 in order to select external reference clock as system clock
– RDIV (bits 5-3) set to %011, or divide-by-256 because 8MHz / 256 = 31.25 kHz which is
in the 31.25 kHz to 39.0625 kHz range required by the FLL
– IREFS (bit 2) cleared to 0, selecting the external reference clock
e) Loop until IREFST (bit 4) in MCGSC is 0, indicating the external reference is the current
source for the reference clock
f) Loop until CLKST (bits 3 and 2) in MCGSC is %10, indicating that the external reference
clock is selected to feed MCGOUT
2. Then, FBE must transition either directly to PBE mode or rst through BLPE mode and then to
PBE mode: