1: Power-on Reset 3.3V is masked.
POR33STATUS: Power-on Reset 3.3V Status
0: Power-on Reset is disabled.
1: Power-on Reset is enabled.
This bit is read-only. Writing to this bit has no effect.
POR33EN: Power-on Reset 3.3V Enable
0: Writing a zero to this bit disables the POR33 detector.
1: Writing a one to this bit enables the POR33 detector.
DEEPDIS: Disable Regulator Deep Mode
0: Regulator will enter deep mode in low-power sleep modes for lower power consumption.
1: Regulator will stay in full-power mode in all sleep modes for shorter start-up time.
FCD: Flash Calibration Done
0: The flash calibration will be redone after any reset.
1: The flash calibration will only be redone after a Power-on Reset.
This bit is cleared after a Power-on Reset.
This bit is set when the CALIB field has been updated by flash calibration after a reset.
CALIB: Calibration Value
Calibration value for Voltage Regulator. This is calibrated during production and should not be changed.
ON: Voltage Regulator On Status
0: The voltage regulator is currently disabled.
1: The voltage regulator is currently enabled.
This bit is read-only. Writing to this bit has no effect.
VREGOK: Voltage Regulator OK Status
0: The voltage regulator is disabled or has not yet reached a stable output voltage.
1: The voltage regulator has reached the output voltage threshold level after being enabled.
This bit is read-only. Writing to this bit has no effect.
EN: Enable
0: The voltage regulator is disabled.
1: The voltage regulator is enabled.
Note: This bit is set after a Power-on Reset (POR).
Output voltage of the Voltage Regulator. The default value of this bit corresponds to an output voltage of 1.8V.
Note that this register is protected by a lock. To write to this register the UNLOCK register has to be written first. Please
refer to the UNLOCK register description for details.