MSX Family Datasheet
Fairchild Semiconductor
[Rev. 1.10] 3/21/02
JTAG SEQUENCE: The ordering of all the pins in a serial chain for driving and sensing signals on pins during
EXTEST and SAMPLE/PRELOAD. All pins except power and ground and the five JTAG pins are in the serial
NEXT NEIGHBOR: Input can be selected as the clock for the IOB registers for data and clock pairing. The
next higher port is the selected neighbor except for Port 531, which uses Port 0.
PIN SIDE DRIVER: The IO Buffer circuit that drives the device pin associated with that buffer.
PORT: A name followed by a number to identify a pin on the device. Ports are numbered from 531 to 0 on the
MSX device. In shifting sequence, Port P000 is shifted in first and shifted out first.
RapidConfigure: A parallel programming method for the MSX devices. The RC mode uses 29 dedicated pins
to program the Crosspoint Array and the IO Buffers. The 29 pins consist of an enable, a strobe, two instruction
bits, four variable bits, and two ten-bit address fields.
RCE: A control pin of the MSX device that is sampled during reset to determine if the device becomes active in
the JTAG or the Rapid Configure mode. This pin places the CONTROL REGISTER bit in the state to allow RC
operations or not based on the voltage level of the RCE pin. The JTAG mode is always enabled and can set or
clear the RC bit in the CONTROL REGISTER.
TRICKLE CURRENT: A very low current (~15 microamperes) used to pull unused or non-driven circuits to a
stable high level. Prevents signals from drifting between CMOS thresholds and drawing currents from the power
supply. In the case of BUS REPEATER, the small trickle current provides a known high level on the pin and
array side inputs.