MSX Family Datasheet
[Rev. 1.10] 3/21/02
Fairchild Semiconductor
Revision History
Table 23
Revision History
Version No.
Revision 1.3
Initial release of “Preliminary” datasheet
Revision 1.4
Converted datasheet from a Word document to a FrameMaker document. Corrected
RCC[1] statement in 1.4.3 “Crosspoint Programming”.
Revision 1.5
Added MSX340 pinout tables, package pinout drawing, package dimension
drawings. Changed verbiage throughout document to reflect MSX Family. Added
the -10 and the -15 device specifications to the AC Electrical tables. Updated
ordering information.
Revision 1.6
Changed the -15 device to a -20 device in the AC Electrical specifications table
and modified the parameters for Additional Multicast Mode, JTAG Clock
Frequency, and One Way Signal Propagation Delay. Modified the RapidConfigure
IOB Read and Write Cycles timing diagram. Changed the UPDATE signal and
relative descriptions from low (UPDATE#) to high (UPDATE) throughout entire
document.Corrected pinout drawings for the MSX532 and MSX340 to reflect the
change to the UPDATE pin. Modified Component Availability and Ordering
Information tables.
Revision 1.7
Changed Ball Name for AJ26 from RST to TRST# on MSX340 pinout drawing
and MSX340 “Pinout By Ball Name” table; added “...output data inversion
mode...” to OP I/O port function in Table 1.
Revision 1.8
Table 14—changed Max parameters for NRZ Data Rate from 200Mb/s to 150Mb/s,
and Registered Input/Output Clock Frequency from 100MHz to 75MHz; made
specific references to product/package size on front page.
Revision 1.9
Changes to Table 10 - Absolute Maximum Ratings; Pmax limits from TBD to 10.5,
ESD limits from 2000 to 1500; removed -10 part from AC Electrical Specs Table
14; changed power consumption examples from 100 Mb/s to 10Mb/s in Example 1,
and 300 Mb/s to 150Mb/s in Example 2; updated Component Availability
information by removing -10 part.
Revision 1.10
Changed speed ratings on cover sheet from 300Mb/s and 150MHz to 150Mb/s and
75MHz; changed propagation delay on cover sheet from 10ns to 20ns; added a
minimum value of 6 to Positive and Negative Pulse widths (tw+ and tw-) in Table
14, AC Electrical specs.