512Mb: x4, x8, x16
Micron Technology, Inc., reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice.
512MBDDRx4x8x16_2.fm - Rev. H 7/04 EN
2000 Micron Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
Functional Description
The 512Mb DDR SDRAM is a high-speed CMOS,
536,870,912 bits. The 512Mb DDR SDRAM is internally
configured as a quad-bank DRAM.
The 512Mb DDR SDRAM uses a double data rate
architecture to achieve high-speed operation. The
double data rate architecture is essentially a 2n-
prefetch architecture, with an interface designed to
transfer two data words per clock cycle at the I/O pins.
A single read or write access for the 512Mb DDR
SDRAM consists of a single 2n-bit wide, one-clock-
cycle data transfer at the internal DRAM core and two
corresponding n-bit wide, one-half-clock-cycle data
transfers at the I/O pins.
Read and write accesses to the DDR SDRAM are
burst oriented; accesses start at a selected location and
continue for a programmed number of locations in a
programmed sequence. Accesses begin with the regis-
tration of an ACTIVE command, which is then fol-
lowed by a READ or WRITE command. The address
bits registered coincident with the ACTIVE command
are used to select the bank and row to be accessed
(BA0, BA1 select the bank; A0–A12 select the row). The
address bits registered coincident with the READ or
WRITE command are used to select the starting col-
umn location for the burst access.
Prior to normal operation, the DDR SDRAM must
be initialized. The following sections provide detailed
information covering device initialization, register def-
inition, command descriptions, and device operation.
DDR SDRAMs must be powered up and initialized
in a predefined manner. Operational procedures other
than those specified may result in undefined opera-
tion. Power must first be applied to VDD and VDDQ
simultaneously, and then to VREF (and to the system
VTT). VTT must be applied after VDDQ to avoid device
latch-up, which may cause permanent damage to the
device. VREF can be applied any time after VDDQ but is
expected to be nominally coincident with VTT. Except
for CKE, inputs are not recognized as valid until after
VREF is applied. CKE is an SSTL_2 input but will detect
an LVCMOS LOW level after VDD is applied. After CKE
passes through VIH, it will transition to a SSTL 2 signal
and remain as such until power is cycled. Maintaining
an LVCMOS LOW level on CKE during power-up is
required to ensure that the DQ and DQS outputs will
be in the High-Z state, where they will remain until
driven in normal operation (by a read access). After all
power supply and reference voltages are stable, and
the clock is stable, the DDR SDRAM requires a 200s
delay prior to applying an executable command.
Once the 200s delay has been satisfied, a DESE-
LECT or NOP command should be applied, and CKE
should be brought HIGH. Following the NOP com-
mand, a PRECHARGE ALL command should be
applied. Next a LOAD MODE REGISTER command
should be issued for the extended mode register (BA1
LOW and BA0 HIGH) to enable the DLL, followed by
another LOAD MODE REGISTER command to the
mode register (BA0/BA1 both LOW) to reset the DLL
and to program the operating parameters. Two-hun-
dred clock cycles are required between the DLL reset
and any READ command. A PRECHARGE ALL com-
mand should then be applied, placing the device in the
all banks idle state.
Once in the idle state, two AUTO REFRESH cycles
must be performed (tRFC must be satisfied.) Addition-
ally, a LOAD MODE REGISTER command for the mode
register with the reset DLL bit deactivated (i.e., to pro-
gram operating parameters without resetting the DLL)
is required. Following these requirements, the DDR
SDRAM is ready for normal operation.
Register Definition
Mode Register
The mode register is used to define the specific
mode of operation of the DDR SDRAM. This definition
includes the selection of a burst length, a burst type, a
CAS latency and an operating mode, as shown in
via the MODE REGISTER SET command (with BA0 = 0
and BA1 = 0) and will retain the stored information
until it is programmed again or the device loses power
(except for bit A8, which is self-clearing).
Reprogramming the mode register will not alter the
contents of the memory, provided it is performed cor-
rectly. The mode register must be loaded (reloaded)
when all banks are idle and no bursts are in progress,
and the controller must wait the specified time before
initiating the subsequent operation. Violating either of
these requirements will result in unspecified opera-
Mode register bits A0–A2 specify the burst length,
A3 specifies the type of burst (sequential or inter-
leaved), A4–A6 specify the CAS latency, and A7–A12
specify the operating mode.