Receive Packet Queues
Receive Packet Queues are used to transfer RPDRs between the host and the RMAC. There are
three queues: a RPDR Large Buffer Free Queue (RPDRLFQ), a RPDR Small Buffer Free Queue
(RPDRSFQ) and a RPDR Ready Queue (RPDRRQ). The free queues contain RPDRs
referencing RPDs that define free buffers. The ready queue contains RPDRs referencing RPDs
that define buffers ready for host processing. The RMAC pulls RPDRs from the free queues
when it needs free data buffers. The RMAC places an RPDR onto the ready queue after it has
filled the buffers with data from each complete packet. The host removes RPDRs from the ready
queue to process the data buffers. The host places the RPDRs back onto the free queues after it
finishes reading the data from the buffers.
When starting to process a packet, the RMAC uses a small buffer RPD to store the packet data.
If the packet requires more than one buffer, the RMAC uses large buffer RPDs to store the
remainder of the packet. The RMAC links together all the RPDs required to store the packet and
returns the RPDR associated with the first RPD onto the ready queue.
All receive packet queues reside in host memory and are defined by the Rx Queue Base (RQB)
register and index registers which reside in the RMAC. The Rx Queue Base is the base address
for the receive packet queues. Each packet queue has four index registers which define the start
and end of the queue and the read and write locations of the queue. Each index register is 16 bits
in length and defines an offset from the Rx Queue Base. Thus, as shown in the Figure 6, the host
address of a RPDR is calculated by adding the index register to the Rx Queue Base register. The
host initialises the Rx Queue Base and all the index registers. When an entity (either the RMAC
or the host) removes elements from a queue, the entity updates the read pointer for that queue.
When an entity (either the RMAC or the host) places elements onto a queue, the entity updates
the write pointer for that queue.
The read index for each queue points to the last valid RPDR read while the write index points to
where the next RPDR can be written. The start index points to the first valid location within the
queue; an RPDR can be written to this location. However, the end index points to a location that
is beyond a queue; an RPDR can not be written to this location. Note however, the start index of
one queue can be set to the end index of another queue. A queue is empty when the read index
is one less than the write index; a queue is also empty if the read index is one less than the end
index and the write index equals the start index. A queue is full when the read index is equal to the
write index. Figure 6 shows the RPDR reference queues.