SN54ABT8244, SN74ABT8244
SCBS485 – JULY 1994
state diagram description
The TAP controller is a synchronous finite state machine that provides test control signals throughout the device.
The state diagram is illustrated Figure 1 and is in accordance with IEEE Standard 1149.1-1990. The TAP
controller proceeds through its states based on the level of TMS at the rising edge of TCK.
As illustrated, the TAP controller consists of 16 states. There are six stable states (indicated by a looping arrow
in the state diagram) and ten unstable states. A stable state is defined as a state the TAP controller can retain
for consecutive TCK cycles. Any state that does not meet this criterion is an unstable state.
There are two main paths through the state diagram: one to access and control the selected data register and
one to access and control the instruction register. Only one register can be accessed at a time.
The device powers up in the Test-Logic-Reset state. In the stable Test-Logic-Reset state, the test logic is reset
and is disabled so that the normal logic function of the device is performed. The instruction register is reset to
an opcode that selects the optional IDCODE instruction, if supported, or the BYPASS instruction. Certain data
registers also can be reset to their power-up values.
The state machine is constructed such that the TAP controller returns to the Test-Logic-Reset state in no more
than five TCK cycles if TMS is left high. The TMS pin has an internal pullup resistor that forces it high if left
unconnected or if a board defect causes it to be open circuited.
For the
ABT8244, the instruction register is reset to the binary value 11111111, which selects the BYPASS
instruction. Each bit in the boundary-scan register is reset to logic 0 except bits 17–16 which are reset to logic
1. The boundary-control register is reset to the binary value 00000000010, which selects the PSA test operation
with no input masking.
The TAP controller must pass through the Run-Test/Idle state (from Test-Logic-Reset) before executing any test
operations. The Run-Test/Idle state also can be entered following data-register or instruction-register scans.
Run-Test/Idle is a stable state in which the test logic can be actively running a test or can be idle.
The test operations selected by the boundary-control register are performed while the TAP controller is in the
Run-Test/Idle state.
Select-DR-Scan, Select-lR-Scan
No specific function is performed in the Select-DR-Scan and Select-lR-Scan states, and the TAP controller exits
either of these states on the next TCK cycle. These states allow the selection of either data-register scan or
instruction-register scan.
When a data register scan is selected, the TAP controller must pass through the Capture-DR state. In the
Capture-DR state, the selected data register can capture a data value as specified by the current instruction.
Such capture operations occur on the rising edge of TCK upon which the TAP controller exits the Capture-DR
Upon entry to the Shift-DR state, the data register is placed in the scan path between TDI and TDO and, on the
first falling edge of TCK, TDO goes from the high-impedance state to an active state. TDO enables to the logic
level present in the least significant bit of the selected data register.
While in the stable Shift-DR state, data is serially shifted through the selected data register on each TCK cycle.
The first shift occurs on the first rising edge of TCK after entry to the Shift-DR state (i.e., no shifting occurs during
the TCK cycle in which the TAP controller changes from Capture-DR to Shift-DR or from Exit2-DR to Shift-DR).
The last shift occurs on the rising edge of TCK upon which the TAP controller exits the Shift-DR state.