VDP 3108
cutoff R
cutoff G
cutoff B
white drive R or G or B (sequentially).
b) The picture measurement returns
active picture maximum current
active picture minimum current.
The tube measurement is automatically started when
the cutoff blue result register is read. Cutoff control for
RGB requires one field only while a complete white-drive
control requires three fields. If the measurement mode
is set to ’offset check’ a measurement cycle is run with
the cutoff / whitedrive signals set to zero. This allows to
compensate the MADC offset as well as input the leak-
age currents. During cutoff and whitedrive measure-
ments, the average beam current limiter function (ref.
2.5.2.) is switched of and a programmable value is used
for the brightness setting. The start line of the tube mea-
surement can be programmed via I
C bus, the first line
used for the measurement, i.e. measurement of cutoff
red, is 2 lines after the programmed start line.
The picture measurement must be enabled by the con-
trol microprocessor after reading the min./max. result
registers. The measurement is always started at the be-
ginning of active video.
The vertical timing for the picture measurement is pro-
grammable, and may even be a single line. Also the sig-
nal bandwidth is switchable for the picture measure-
Two horizontal windows are available for the picture
measurement. The large window is active for the entire
active line. Tube measurement is always carried out with
the small window. Measurement windows for picture
and tube measurement are shown in figure 2–23.
active video
field 1/ 2
large window for active picture
small window for active picture
window for cutoff, white drive
picture meas. start
tube measurement
picture meas. end
Fig. 2–23:
Windows for tube and picture measure-
2.5.2. Average Beam Current Limiter
The average beam current limiter (BCL) uses the sense
input for the beam current measurement. The BCL uses
a different filter to average the beam current during the
active picture. The filter bandwidth is approximately 2
kHz. The beam current limiter has an automatic offset
adjust that is active two lines before the first cutoff mea-
surement line.
The beam current limiter allows to set a threshold cur-
rent. If the beam current is above the threshold, the ex-
cess current is low pass filtered and used to attenuate
the RGB outputs by adjusting the white drive multipliers
for the internal (digital) RGB signals and the analog con-
trast multipliers for the analog RGB inputs respectively.
The lower limit of the attenuator is programmable, thus
a minimum contrast can always be set. During the tube
measurement the ABL attenuation is switched off. After
the whitedrive measurement line it takes 3 lines to switch
back to BCL limited drives and brightness.
Typical characteristics of the ABL for different loop gains
are shown in Fig. 2–24; for this example the tube has
been assumed to have a square law characteristic.
Fig. 2–24:
Beam current limiter characteristics:
beam current output vs. drive
BCL threshold: 1
2.6. Synchronization and Deflection
The synchronization and deflection processing is distrib-
uted over front end and back end. The video clamping,
horizontal and vertical sync separation and all video re-
lated timing information are processed in the front end.
Most of the processing that runs at the horizontal fre-
quency is programmed on the internal Fast Processor
(FP). Also the values for vertical & East-West deflection
are calculated by the FP software.
The display related synchronization, i.e. generation of
horizontal and vertical drive and synchronization of hori-
zontal and vertical drive to the video timing extracted in
the front end, are implemented in hardware.