March 1, 2000
VDA and VPA Valid Memory Address Output Signals
When VDA or VPA are high and during all write cycles, the Address Bus is always valid. VDA and VPA
should be used to qualify all memory cycles. Note that when VDA and VPA are both low, invalid
addresses may be generated. The Page and Bank addresses could also be invalid. This will be due to low
byte addition only. The cycle when only low byte addition occurs is an optional cycle for instructions which
read memory when the Index Register consists of 8 bits. This optional cycle becomes a standard cycle for
the Store instruction, all instructions using the 16-bit Index Register mode, and the Read-Modify-Write
instruction when using 8- or 16-bit Index Register modes.
Apple II, IIe, IIc and II+ Disk Systems
VDA and VPA should not be used to qualify addresses during disk operation on Apple systems. Consult
your Apple representative for hardware/software configurations.
DB/BA operation when RDY is Pulled Low
When RDY is low, the Data Bus is held in the data transfer state (i.e. PHI2 high). The Bank address
external transparent latch should be latched on the rising edge of the PHI2 clock.
MX Output
The MX output reflects the value of the M and X bits of the processor Status Register. The REP, SEP and
PLP instructions may change the state of the M and X bits. Note that the MX output is invalid during the
instruction cycle following REP, SEP and PLP instruction execution. This cycle is used as the OpCode
fetch cycle of the next instruction.
All OpCodes Function in All Modes of Operation
It should be noted that all OpCodes function in all modes of operation. However, some
instructions and addressing modes are intended for W65C816S 24-bit addressing, and are
therefore less useful for the emulation mode. The following is a list of instructions and
addressing modes which are primarily intended for W65C816S use: JSL,RTL,JMP
The following instructions may be used with the emulation mode even though a Bank
Address is not multiplexed on the Data Bus: PHK,PHB,PLB
The following instructions have "limited" use in the Emulation mode:
The REP and SEP instructions cannot modify the M and X bits when in the
Emulation mode. In this mode the M and X bits will always be high (logic 1).
When in the Emulation mode, the MVP and MVN instructions use the X and Y
Index Registers for the memory address. Also, the MVP and MVN instructions
can only move data within the memory range 0000 (Source Bank) to 00FF
(Destination Bank) for the W65C816S, and 0000 to 00FF for the emulation
Indirect Jumps
The JMP (a) and JML (a) instructions use the direct Bank for indirect addressing, while JMP (a,x) and JSR
(a,x) use the Program Bank for indirect address tables.