Product Preview
Flash Software Design Considerations
Conventions and Definitions
Throughout this section references are made to words and phrases which are explained below.
Plane vs. Partition
: Both of these words refer to memory areas within the flash device. A
memory plane is a memory area with its own address range. The main array, status register,
ID/protection register and query are different read planes. These planes may be accessed by
putting the device into the desired mode via commands to the Command User Interface. The
main array plane is split into two physical partitions, with a continuous address range
throughout the two partitions.
Writing a command vs. Writing to the array
: A write is any memory cycle where WE# is
asserted. It is used to get a command or data into the device. A write command is issued to
change the device’s mode. V
does not need to be valid during write command operations.
Writing to the array, or programming, refers to storing memory into the array plane. This is
done with a two-cycle write command, and V
has to be valid during the program operation.
Current Partition
: This is the partition to which commands are currently being written. For
example, if data is being programmed into the bottom partition, this becomes the current
partition and the top partition is referred to as the other partition. If after that, a program
command is issued to the top partition, it then becomes the current partition and the bottom
partition is now the other partition.
Other Partition
: The partition, which is either idle or busy, to which commands are not
currently being written.
Current State
: The state that the Command User Interface is currently in. It can be either the
current partition or the other partition.
Next State
: This will be the state of the flash component after it has received the command to
go into this state.
: This refers to the current state of the either partition. Setup refers to erase, program,
protection register, block lock/unlock/lock-down and Set Read Configuration Register setup.
: The other partition is in a busy state when it is in erase, program or protection register
program mode.
: The other partition is in idle mode when it is not in setup, busy, or erase/program suspend
= Lock Block
= Unlock Block
= One-Time Programmable Protection Register
= Read Configuration Register
= Erase Suspend
= Program Suspend
= Block Erase