Advance Information
2 Mbit / 3 Mbit / 4 Mbit / 8 Mbit Firmware Hub
SST49LF002A / SST49LF003A / SST49LF004A / SST49LF008A
2001 Silicon Storage Technology, Inc.
any given voltage range, the SuperFlash technology uses
less current to program and has a shorter erase time, the
total energy consumed during any Erase or Program oper-
ation is less than alternative flash memory technologies.
The SST49LF00xA products provide a maximum Byte-
Program time of 20 sec. The entire memory can be
erased and programmed byte-by-byte typically in 15 sec-
onds for an 8-Mbit device, when using status detection
features such as Toggle Bit or Data# Polling to indicate the
completion of Program operation. The SuperFlash tech-
nology provides fixed Erase and Program time, indepen-
dent of the number of Erase/Program cycles that have
performed. Therefore the system software or hardware
does not have to be calibrated or correlated to the cumu-
lated number of Erase/Program cycles as is necessary
with alternative flash memory technologies, whose Erase
and Program time increase with accumulated Erase/Pro-
gram cycles.
To protect against inadvertent write, the SST49LF00xA
devices employ hardware and software data (SDP) protec-
tion schemes. It is offered with typical endurance of
100,000 cycles. Data retention is rated at greater than 100
To meet high density, surface mount requirements, the
SST49LF00xA device is offered in 32-lead TSOP and 32-
lead PLCC packages. See Figures
7 and
8 for pinouts and
Mode Selection and Description
The SST49LF00xA flash memory devices can operate in
two distinct interface modes: the Firmware Hub Interface
(FWH) mode and the Parallel Programming (PP) mode.
The IC (Interface Configuration pin) is used to set the
interface mode selection. If the IC pin is set to logic High,
the device is in PP mode; while if the IC pin is set Low,
the device is in the FWH mode. The IC selection pin must
be configured prior to device operation. The IC pin is
internally pulled down if the pin is not connected. In FWH
mode, the device is configured to interface with its host
using Intel’s Firmware Hub proprietary protocol. Commu-
nication between Host and the SST49LF00xA occurs via
the 4-bit I/O communication signals, FWH [3:0] and the
FWH4. In PP mode, the device is programmed via an 11-
bit address and an 8-bit data I/O parallel signals. The
address inputs are multiplexed in row and column
selected by control signal R/C# pin. The column
addresses are mapped to the higher internal addresses,
and the row addresses are mapped to the lower internal
addresses. See the Device Memory Maps in Figures
6 for address assignments.
Device Operation
The FWH mode uses a 5-signal communication interface,
FWH[3:0] and FWH4, to control operations of the
SST49LF00xA. Operations such as Memory Read and
Memory Write uses Intel FWH propriety protocol. JEDEC
Standard SDP (Software Data Protection) Byte-Program,
Sector-Erase and Block-Erase command sequences are
incorporated into the FWH memory cycles. Chip-Erase is
only available in PP Mode.
The device enters standby mode when FWH4 is high and
no internal operation is in progress. The device is in ready
mode when FWH4 is low and no activity is on the FWH bus.
Firmware Hub Interface Cycles
Addresses and data are transferred to and from the
SST49LF00xA by a series of “fields,” where each field con-
tains 4 bits of data. ST49LF00xA supports only single-byte
read and writes, and all fields are one clock cycle in length.
Field sequences and contents are strictly defined for Read
and Write operations. Addresses in this section refer to
addresses as seen from the SST49LF00xA’s “point of
view,” some calculation will be required to translate these to
the actual locations in the memory map (and vice versa) if
multiple memory device is used on the bus. Tables
1 and
2list the field sequences for Read and Write cycles.