Understanding the Instruction Set
79RC32355 User Reference Manual
A - 4
November 4, 2002
Figure A.5 Example of Instruction Description
The body of the section is a description of the operation of the instruction in text, tables, and figures.
This description complements the high-level language description in the Operation section.
This section uses acronyms for register descriptions. “GPR rt” is CPU general-purpose register specified
by the instruction field rt.
Restrictions Field
The Restrictions field documents any possible restrictions that may affect the instruction. Most restric-
tions fall into one of the following six categories:
Valid values for instruction fields (for example, see floating-point ADD.fmt)
Alignment requirements for memory addresses (for example, see LW)
Valid values of operands (for example, see DADD)
Valid operand formats (for example, see floating-point ADD.fmt)
Order of instructions necessary to guarantee correct execution. These ordering constraints avoid
pipeline hazards for which some processors do not have hardware interlocks (for example, see
Valid memory access types (for example, see LL/SC).
Figure A.6 Example of Instruction Restrictions
Operation Field
The Operation field describes the operation of the instruction as pseudocode in a high-level language
notation resembling Pascal (see Figure A.7). This formal description complements the Description section;
it is not complete in itself because many of the restrictions are either difficult to include in the pseudocode or
are omitted for legibility.
Description: rd rs + rt
The 32-bit word value in GPR rt is added to the 32-bit value in DPR rs to produce a 32-bit result.
If the addition results in 32-bit 2’s complement arithmetic overflow, the destination register is not
modified and an Integer Overflow exception occurs.
If the addition does not overflow, the 32-bit result is placed into GPR rd.
Processor operation is UNPREDICTABLE if a branch, jump, ERET, DERET, or WAIT
instruction is placed in the delay slot of a branch or jump.