DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit
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M a x i m In tegra t ed P r oduc ts , 1 2 0 S a n Ga brie l D r iv e , Sun ny vale , CA 94 086 40 8 - 7 3 7 - 76 00
2007 Maxim Integrated Products
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(Page 30) LOSS: added missing “S” to bit names (from LOS[8:1] to LOSS[8:1]); DFMS: changed
bit description for bits 7 to 0.
(Page 31) LOSIS: changed bit description for bits 7 to 0; DFMIS: changed bit description for bits
7 to 0.
(Page 33) DLBC: changed register description from Digital Loopback Control to Digital Loopback
Configuration and added note to bits 7 to 0 description.
(Page 34) GC: updated descriptions for bits 7 to 0.
(Page 35) TST: changed register description from Template Select Transmitter to Template
Select Transceiver.
(Page 36) OEB: updated bits 7 to 0 description.
(Page 37) AISI: added “S” and “Status” to register name and description; updated bit names and
description; ADDP: changed register description from Address Pointer to Address Pointer for
Bank Selection.
(Page 38) TPDE: corrected bits 7 to 0 name from TPDE[7:0] to TPDE[8:1].
(Page 39) EZDE: corrected bits 7 to 0 name from EXZDE[8:1] to EZDE[8:1].
(Page 40) IJAPS: updated bits 7 to 0 description; IJAFLT: corrected bits 7 to 0 name to show
read-only (added underline) and added sentence at end of description.
(Page 43) GMR: changed bits 2 and 1 from Reserved to JABWS1 and JABWS0.
(Page 44) LVDS: added information on when the bit is cleared.
(Page 54) Section 6.1: Power-Up and Reset. Deleted “A reset can also be performed in software
by writing to SWR register.”
(Page 55) Section 6.3: Transmitter. In second paragraph, first sentence, “The data is encoded
with HDB3 or B8ZS or NRZ encoding …” changed NRZ to AMI.
(Page 59) Section 6.3.3: Dual-Rail Mode, Section 6.3.4: Single-Rail Mode, and Section 6.4:
Receiver. Updated paragraphs.
(Page 65) Section 6.8.3: Remote Loopback. Added information about when the TCLKn pin is
(Page 67) Added new Section 6.8.4: Dual Loopback and Figure 6-11.
(Page 69) Added new Section 6.9.2: BERT Interrupt Handling.
(Page 80) Table 10-2: added Analog Loss-of-Signal Threshold Hysteresis parameter; updated
Note 1.
(Page 97) Added new Section 11: Pin Configuration.
(Page 78) Table 8-3: added “Note 1: Specifications to -40
°C are guaranteed by design (GBD).”
(Pages 81, 84, 87, 90) Table 10-3, 10-4, 10-5, 10-6: added “Note 1: Timing parameters in this
table are guaranteed by design (GBD).”