DS80C410/DS80C411 Network Microcontrollers with Ethernet and CAN
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Table 19. Arbitration/Masking Feature Summary
Standard 11-bit
(CAN 2.0A)
Message Center
Arbitration Registers 0–1
(Located in each message
center, MOVX memory)
Standard Global Mask
Registers 0–1 (Located in
CAN control/status/mask
register bank, MOVX
EX/ST = 0
MEME = 0: Mask register ignored. ID and
arbitration register must match exactly.
MEME = 1: Only bits corresponding to 1 in
mask register are compared in ID and
arbitration registers.
Extended 29-bit
(CAN 2.0B)
Message Center
Arbitration Registers 0–3
(Located in each message
center, MOVX memory)
Extended Global Mask
Registers 0–3 (Located in
CAN control/status/mask
register bank, MOVX
EX/ST = 1
MEME = 0: Mask register ignored. ID and
arbitration register must match exactly.
MEME = 1: Only bits corresponding to 1 in
mask register are compared in ID and
arbitration registers.
Media Byte
Media Arbitration Registers
0–3 (Located in CAN
register bank, MOVX
Media ID Mask Registers
0–1 (Located in CAN
register bank, MOVX
MDME = 0: Media byte arbitration disabled.
MDME = 1: Only bits corresponding to 1 in
Media ID mask register are compared
between data bytes 1 and 2 and Media
arbitration registers.
Message Center
15, Standard 11-
bit Arbitration
(CAN 2.0A)
Message Center 15
Arbitration Registers 0–1
(Located in message
center 15, MOVX memory)
Message Center 15 Mask
Registers 0–1 (Located in
CAN control/status/mask
register bank, MOVX
EX/ST = 0
MEME = 0: Mask register ignored. ID and
arbitration register must match exactly.
MEME = 1: Message center 15 mask
registers are ANDed with Global Mask
register. Only bits corresponding to 1 in
resulting value are compared in ID and
arbitration registers.
Message Center
15, Extended
29-bit Arbitration
(CAN 2.0B)
Message Center 15
Arbitration Registers 0–3
(Located in message
center 15, MOVX memory)
Message Center 15 Mask
Registers 0–3 (Located in
CAN control/status/mask
register bank, MOVX
EX/ST = 1
MEME = 0: Mask register ignored. ID and
arbitration register must match exactly.
MEME = 1: Message center 15 mask
registers are ANDed with Global Mask
register. Only bits corresponding to 1 in
resulting value are compared in ID and
arbitration registers.
Message Buffering/Overwrite
If a message center is configured for reception (T/R = 0) and the previous message has not been read (DTUP = 1),
then the disposition of an incoming message to that message center is controlled by the WTOE bit (located in CAN
arbitration register 3 of each message center). When WTOE = 0, the incoming message is discarded and the
current message untouched.
If the WTOE bit is set, the incoming message is received and written over the existing data bytes in that message
center. The receiver overwrite bit (ROW) also is set in the corresponding message center control register, located
in SFR memory.
Message center 15 is unique in that it incorporates a buffer that can receive up to two messages without loss. If a
message is received by message center 15 while it contains an unread message, the new incoming message is
held in an internal buffer. When the CAN controller reads the message center 15 memory location and then clears
DTUP = INTRQ = EXTRQ = 0, the contents of the internal buffer are automatically loaded into the message center
15 MOVX memory location.
The message center 15 WTOE bit controls what happens if a third message is received when both the message
center 15 MOVX memory location and the buffer contain unread messages. If WTOE = 0, the new message is
discarded, leaving the message center 15 MOVX memory location and the buffer untouched. If WTOE = 1, then
the third message writes over the buffered message but leaves the message center 15 MOVX memory location