Table 21. READ Address Format for Data and Mask Arrays
The WRITE can be a single write of a data array,
mask array, register, or external SRAM location
(CMD[2] = 0). It can also be a burst WRITE
(CMD[2] = 1) using an internal auto-incrementing
address register (WBURADR) of the data array or
mask array locations (see Table 23, page 33 for
format). A single-location WRITE is a three-cycle
operation, shown in Figure 22, page 32. The burst
WRITE adds one extra cycle for each successive
location write.
The WRITE operation sequence is as follows:
Cycle 1A:
The host ASIC applies the WRITE In-
struction to CMD[1:0] (CMD[2] = 0), using CM-
DV=1 and the address supplied on the DQ Bus,
as shown in Table 22, page 33. The host ASIC
also supplies the index to the global mask reg-
ister (GMR) to mask the WRITE to the data ar-
ray or mask array location in CMD[5:3]. For
SRAM writes, the host ASIC must supply
SADR[21:19] on CMD[8:6].
Cycle 1B:
The host ASIC continues to apply the
WRITE Instruction to CMD[1:0] (CMD[2] = 0)
using CMDV = 1 and the address supplied on
the DQ Bus. The host ASIC continues to supply
the GMR Index to mask the WRITE to the data
or mask array locations in CMD[5:3]. The host
ASIC selects the device where ID[4:0] matches
the DQ[25:21] = 11111.
Cycle 2:
The host ASIC drives the DQ[67:0]
with the data to be written to the data array,
mask array, external SRAM, or register location
of the selected device.
Cycle 3:
Idle cycle. At the termination of this cy-
cle, another operation can begin.
The burst WRITE operation lasts for (n + 2) CLK
cycles, where
signifies the number of accesses
in the burst as specified in the BLEN field of the
WBURREG register (see Figure 23, page 32).
This operation assumes that the host ASIC has
programmed the WBURREG with the starting ad-
dress (ADDR) and the length of transfer (BLEN)
before initiating the burst WRITE command (see
Table 24, page 33 for format). The sequence is as
Cycle 1A:
The host ASIC applies the WRITE In-
struction on the CMD[1:0] (CMD[2] = 1), using
CMDV = 1 and the address supplied on the DQ
Bus, as shown in Table 23, page 33. The host
ASIC also supplies the index to the global mask
register to mask the WRITE to the data or mask
array locations in CMD[5:3].
Cycle 1B:
The host ASIC continues to apply the
WRITE Instruction to CMD[1:0] (CMD[2] = 0)
using CMDV = 1 and the address supplied on
the DQ Bus. The host ASIC continues to supply
the GMR Index to mask the WRITE to the data
or mask array locations in CMD[5:3]. The host
ASIC selects the device where ID[4:0] matches
the DQ[25:21] = 11111.
Cycle 2:
The host ASIC drives the DQ[67:0]
with the data to be written to the data array or
mask array location of the selected device. The
host ASIC writes the data on the DQ[67:0] bus
only to the subfield that has the corresponding
mask bit set to '1' in the global mask register
specified by the index CMD[5:3] and supplied in
Cycle 1.
Cycles 3 to n + 1:
The host ASIC drives
DQ[67:0] with the data to be written to the next
data array or mask array location (addressed by
the auto-increment AADR field of the WBUR-
REG register) of the selected device.
The host ASIC writes the data on the DQ[67:0]
bus only to the subfield that has the correspond-
ing mask bit set to '1' in the global mask register
specified by the index CMD[5:3] and supplied in
Cycle 1. The M7010R drives the EOT signal low
from Cycle 3 to Cycle n; the M7010R drives the
EOT signal high in Cycle n + 1 (n is specified in
the BLEN field of the WBURREG).
Cycle n + 2:
The M7010R drives the EOT signal
low. At the termination of the Cycle n + 2, the
M7010R floats the EOT signal to a 3-state, and
a new instruction can begin.
00: Data Array
Do not care. These 14 bits come from the
internal register (RBURADR) which
increments for each access.
01: Mask Array
Do not care. These 14 bits come from the
internal register (RBURADR) which
increments for each access.