Pin Name
Address State
Active HIGH
AS0 is MSB
This active-high bus indicates the current address state of the CPU. The value on this bus
is copied from the Status Word register within the CPU. These lines are inputs during bus
cycles not assigned to this CPU, so that the MFPR and the MFAR can store the relevant
failure information if a remote failure occurs.
In 1750B mode, this active-high bus indicates the current CPU Page Bank. The value on
this bus is copied from the Status Word register within the CPU. These lines are inputs
during bus cycles not assigned to this CPU, so that the MFPR and the MFAR can store the
relevant failure information if a remote failure occurs.
Page Bank Select
Active HIGH
PB0 is MSB
Register Read
Active LOW
Start of New
Cycle Strobe
Active HIGH
Discretes Output
Active LOW
DMA Enable
Active HIGH
This active-low output signal is driven low when the processor reads the external
configuration register. The line may be used as an output enable for this register. The
configuration register is read during initialisation and during the execution of a BPT
instruction to determine the system configuration.
This active-high output will be asserted high during the first phase of each machine cycle.
This active-low output will be asserted low by the processor during an XIO OD or XIO RDOR
command. It may be used as the enable signal for an external discrete output register.
This active-high output indicates that an external DMA device is enabled. It is disabled
(low) following reset and can be toggled under program control using XIO DMAE and XIO
DMAD, (if a DMA device is set as present in the configuration register).
This active-low input initiates and controls Console operation following the end of a 1750
instruction. Commands and data are passed to the processor in this mode via three
dedicated registers in IO space. Console operation takes precedence over Interrupts.
This active-low output indicates that start-up ROM is enabled. The signal is asserted low
following initialisation or by XIO ESUR. The signal remains asserted until removed with XIO
DSUR. When a start-up ROM is present on the system indicated in the configuration word,
this signal should be used to qualify its chip select or output enable such that the ROM
may be accessed only when SUREN is low.
Instruction pipelining must be considered in moving from Start-Up ROM to RAM.
See Section 4 on Software Considerations.
This output is asserted to indicate that the Built-ln-Test (BIT), performed on reset or power-
up, has passed. The line is asserted low following an external reset and may also be reset
by software using the XIO RNS command.
This active-low output is asserted low whenever the Trigger-Go counter overflows (rolls
over to 0000). It returns to the high state when the counter is reset by software (using the
XIO GO command).
A low on this input will reset and disable the bus fault timeout circuit.
Console Request
Active LOW
Active LOW
Normal Power-Up
Active HIGH
Trigger-Go Output
Active LOW
Disable Timeout
Active LOW
Disable Parity
Active LOW
CPU reset
A low on this input will reset and disable the on-chip parity verification.
Parity generationon write data is not disabled by this pin.
This active-low input should be asserted low to reset the processor. The low to high
transition will start the initialisation sequence which will perform a Built-In-Test (if
selected), initialising the processor in accordance with MIL-STD-1750 (see figures 2 and 3).
Figure 39 (continued): Pin Descriptions