MON08 Multilink User Manual
Systems, Inc.
MON08 Cable connection communications type (Class II boards Only)
This selection box is valid only for Class II hardware configurations using the
MON08 cable. It allows the user to specify the sequence that the software uses
to power up the ICS system. When the software tries to create a power-on reset
condition, two events must occur:
1. Power of the target MCU must go below 0.1v. This means that the
processor can not be receiving power from its power pins, nor can it have a
significant voltage being driven on port pins or the IRQ line, as these will
drive the MCU power back through these pins. It is crucial, therefore, to
have the ICS and the Target both powered down at some point in time.
2. The processor MON08 configuration pins, including IRQ, must be
properly driven when the target processor resets to drive it into monitor
mode. If these pins are not set up properly before the processor powers up,
the processor may start up in user mode.
PowerDown ICS, Ask the user to power down their board, PowerUp ICS,
Ask the user to power up their board
This is the default option and should work for most, if not all, ICS08/Target
Board solutions. Refer to the manual addendum under startup for the settings
for a specific ICS board. It requires the user go through two dialog stages, and
requires more time than simply cycling the power.
1. Software automatically powers down the ICS.
2. Software Asks the user to power down the board as follows:
Figure 4-45: Power Down Dialog
3. Software automatically powers up the ICS, which configures the
processor’s MON08 configuration pins.
4. Software asks the user to power up the board as follows: