1997 Jun 24
Philips Semiconductors
Product specification
Advanced POCSAG and APOC-1 Paging
Synthesizer programming data
Data for programming a PLL synthesizer via pins ZSD,
ZSC and ZLE can be stored in row 1 of the EEPROM.
Six bytes are available starting with address 08H.
Data is transferred in two serial blocks of 24 bits each,
starting with bit 0 (MSB) of block 1. Any unused bits must
be programmed at the beginning of a block.
Table 28
Synthesizer programming data (EEPROM
address 08H to 0DH)
Identifier storage allocation
Up to 6 different identifiers can be stored in EEPROM for
matching with incoming data. The PCD5002 can
distinguish two types of identifiers:
User addresses (RIC)
User Programmable Sync Words (UPSW)
Batch zero identifiers
Continuous data decoding (CDD) sync words.
(MSB: D7)
D7 to D0
bits 0 to 7 of data
block 1 (bit 0 is MSB)
bits 8 to 15
bits 16 to 23
bits 0 to 7 of data
block 2 (bit 0 is MSB)
bits 8 to 15
bits 16 to 23
D7 to D0
D7 to D0
D7 to D0
D7 to D0
D7 to D0
Identifiers are stored in EEPROM rows 2, 3 and 4. Each
identifier location consists of 3 bytes in the same column.
The identifier number is equal to the column number + 1.
Each identifier can be individually enabled. The standard
POCSAG sync word is always enabled and has identifier
number 7.
The identifier type is determined by bits D2 and D0 of
identifier byte 3, as shown in Table 31.
Identifiers 1 and 2 always represent RICs or batch zero
identifiers. The last 4 identifiers (numbers 3 to 6) can
represent any identifier type.
A UPSW represents an unused address and must differ by
more than 6 bits from preamble to guarantee detection.
A batch zero identifier marks the start of a new cycle in the
APOC-1 protocol. It is only recognized when APOC-1
decoding has been enabled (SPF byte 00, bit D0).
Reception of a CDD sync word initiates continuous data
decoding. CDD sync words are only recognized when
continuous data decoding has been enabled (SPF
byte 00, bit 6).
Table 29 shows the memory locations of the 6 identifiers.
The bit allocation per identifier is given in Table 30.
Table 29
Identifier storage allocation (EEPROM address 10H to 25H)
10 to 15
18 to 1D
20 to 25
identifier number 1 to 6
identifier number 1 to 6
identifier number 1 to 6