Notes View
Attach notes to data.
XY graph view
Displays one parameter
against another.
Recorder View
Enables you to start or
stop recording and specify
recording files. It shows
the current readings and
alarm conditions for each
channel. All settings such
as scaling, channels and
sampling are controlled
from the recorder view.
A range of easy to use PC based data acquisition products.
The units simply plug into the parallel or serial port of a PC
(desktop or laptop) and require no power supply. Used with
PicoLog software, they replace costly chart recorders and
complicated ‘plug in’ data acquisition boards. These PC based
instruments allow your computer to display and record voltages.
By connecting suitable sensors, they can be used to measure
temperature, pressure, humidity, light, resistance, current,
power, speed, vibration... in fact, anything that you need to
Easy to install and use - up and running in
Supplied with PicoLog data logging software
Parallel port products are also supplied with
PicoScope virtual instrument software
Low cost data acquisition systems
Exporting Data
Data can easily be transferred (either as graphs or raw data) to other Windows applications
by using the clipboard (copy and paste). Graphs can also be saved to disk (as Windows
Metafiles) and data from the spreadsheet can be saved in text format. Current readings
can be transferred using Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE). PicoLog also supports IP
networking so it is possible to transfer measurements from a remote site via an existing
LAN, company network, or even over the Internet.
Multiple views
PicoLog displays data in a number of views, which
can be activated as and when required. These views
can be activated both during and after data collection.
Program modes
PicoLog for Windows works in two modes: player mode for displaying previously recorded data
and recorder mode for recording new data. You can have more than one copy of PicoLog for
Windows running at once, so you can use the player to analyse old data whilst recording new
PicoLog can collect data from multiple converters at the same time. This not only allows a mix of
voltage input units to be used on the same PC, but also allows other PC based instruments such
as the TC-08 (temperature measurement) and the ADC-200 oscilloscope to be used at the same