2001 QuickLogic Corporation
A typical design process goes through the flow shown above. After passing postlayout simulation,
QuickMIPS devices can be programmed for testing on the hardware testbench. Because QuickLogic
devices are One-Time-Programmable (OTP), it is recommended that these devices are programmed only
after they pass postlayout simulation to minimize development cost and reduce bench debugging time.
The QuickMIPS design flow is supported by QuickLogic's QuickWorks (for Microsoft Windows) and
QuickTool (for UNIX) design software suites version 9.2 and up. Many third-party synthesis and
QuickLogic's Web site (www.quicklogic.com
). Please contact a QuickLogic sales representative to
Both Verilog and VHDL design methodologies are fully supported. The flow described below assumes that the QuickWorks or QuickTool 9.2 software has been installed.
3.1 Simulation
QuickLogic provides the system simulation environment. This environment includes the QuickMIPS
VMC model, ROM and RAM models, reset and clock generation, boot code, and sample programs (read
and write to memory). This environment allows customers to focus on their RTL code and not have to
worry about bringing up the system simulation environment.
The simulation behavior of the QuickMIPS ESP core is provided by the VMC model. VMC (Verilog
Model Compiler) is a tool from Synopsys that compiles Verilog RTL (Register-Transfer-Level) code into
binary code. A VMC model (the binary code) implements the same logic functions as the RTL code while
providing IP protection. In simulation, it communicates to the simulator via PLI (Programmable
Language Interface) for Verilog or FLI (Foreign Language Interface) for VHDL.
Because of the VMC model, the Silos III Verilog simulator and Active-HDL VHDL simulator bundled in
QuickWorks are not supported in QuickMIPS simulation flow. A third-party simulator must be used. The
currently supported simulators include:
Verilog simulators: Verilog-XL, NC Verilog, VCS, ModelSim
VHDL simulators: VSS, ModelSim
3.2 Synthesis
Synthesis is the process of turning the HDL code describing the fabric behavior into gates. Three third-
party synthesis tools are supported:
Synplify-Lite from Synplicity (bundled in QuickWorks)
Exemplar Leonardo Spectrum
Synopsys Design Compiler
Refer to the corresponding QuickNotes on the QuickLogic support Web site for further information.