SC100 C Compiler
Using the SC100 C Compiler Controlling the type of information displayed
You can control the level and type of messages and information that the shell program displays using the
following options: Suppressing warnings
By default the shell reports all errors and warnings. You can use these options to reduce the number of
messages that the shell program generates, by choosing to suppress specific types of warnings. This can be
useful if, for example, you are testing incomplete sections of the program and you know in advance that
certain warnings will be produced.
You can select either or both of the following options: Reporting all remarks and warnings
The shell reports all errors and warnings by default, but will not report remarks unless you specifically
instruct it to do so. Select the option
to ensure that all remarks are reported, as well as all warnings
and errors.
Quiet mode (the default). The shell program displays the minimum amount of information
(errors only). Normal notices and banners are omitted. This option is useful when running
the shell in batch mode or with the
utility, when the display of normal progress
information is not required.
Verbose mode. The shell program displays/prints all the commands and command line
options being used, as it proceeds through the different processing stages and invokes the
individual tools. The exact information output will depend on the processing stages
performed by the shell.
Displays the specified shell processing actions without executing them. You can use this
option before you invoke the shell, to check the actions the shell will take, based on the list
of files and arguments specified in the command line.
This option suppresses warnings on local automatic variables that are used before their
values are set. If you are testing partial code which you know does not assign values to all
the local automatic variables, you can use this option to suppress all the "false" warnings
that would otherwise be issued.
By default, a warning is produced for each module identified as missing during the global
optimization process. Use this option if you wish to suppress these warnings, for example
when testing an incomplete application, or one that uses external modules.