MC68HC08AZ32A Changes
Technical Data
MC68HC08AZ32A — Rev 1.0
MC68HC08AZ32A Changes
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MOTOROLA Mask Option Register B
Mask option register B has been moved from address $003F to $FE09,
and has 3 new bits activated.
Bit 3 is now a silicon hard set bit, which identifies this new A-suffix silicon
(1) from the previous non-A suffix silicon (0).
Bit 4 is a bit that can enable EEPROM read protection when in monitor
Bit 7 is now an EEPROM time base divider clock select bit selecting the
reference clock source for the EEPROM time base divider module (refer
to EEPROM changes described above).
25.2.5 Analog to Digital Converter
Previously the user had to select at ROM submission if a 15-channel
converter was desired as opposed to only 8-channel. This is no longer
selectable and the new default is that every MCU will be configured with
a 15-channel analog to digital converter.
25.2.6 Timer Interface Module A
The TIMA is now a 6 channel timer rather than just 4 channel as before.
Additional vectors are allocated to the area $FFCC - $FFCF that were
previously mapped as ROM area.
25.2.7 ROM
As a result of adding the extra 2 TIMA channels described above, the 16
bytes of ROM mapped to locations $FFC0 - $FFCF is now no longer
available. This reduces the total ROM bytes available from 32,272 to
32,256 bytes.
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.