Atmel ATA6285/ATA6286 [Preliminary]
Bit 2 - T2ICF: Timer2 Input Capture Flag Bit
This flag is set (one) and indicates that the Timer2/Counter2 value has been transferred to the
capture register (T2ICR) when a capture event from the T2ICP pin, an output clock of the Timer1
T1) or a software capture event generated by the T2SCE bit occurs. T2ICF is automatically
cleared when the interrupt routine is executed. Alternatively, T2ICF can be cleared by writing a
logic one to this bit location. The T2ICF flag can be used to generate a Timer2 Capture interrupt
Bit 1 - T2COF: Timer2 COmpare Flag Bit
This flag is set (one) if the Timer2/Counter2 value (T2CNT) matches with the Compare Register
value. The flag (T2COF) is cleared when the interrupt routine is executed. Alternatively, the flag
can be cleared by writing a logic one to it. The T2COF flag can be used to generate a Timer2
Bit 0 - T2OFF: Timer2 OverFlow Flag Bit
This flag is set (one) if the Timer2/Counter2 overflow (OVF) occurs. An overflow (OVF) is gener-
The flag is cleared when the interrupt routine is executed. Alternatively, the flag can be cleared
by writing a logical one to it. The T2OFF flag can be used to generate a Timer2 Overflow inter-
rupt (see description of the T2OIM bit in the following section).
Timer2 Interrupt Mask Register – T2IMR
Bits 7..6 - Res: Reserved Bits
These bits are reserved bits at the ATA6289 and will always read as zero.
Bit 5 - T2TCIM: Timer2 SSI Transmit Complete Interrupt Mask Bit
Writing this bit to one enables an interrupt on the T2TCF Flag. A Timer2 SSI transmit complete
interrupt (T2TXC) will be generated only if the T2TCIM bit is written to one, the Global Interrupt
Flag in SREG is written to one and the T2TCF bit in T2IFR is set.
Bit 4 - T2TXIM: Timer2 SSI Transmit Interrupt Mask Bit
Writing this bit to one enables an interrupt on the T2TXF Flag. A Timer2 SSI transmit buffer
empty interrupt T2TXB) will be generated only if the T2TXIM bit is written to one, the Global
Interrupt Flag in SREG is written to one and the T2TXF bit in T2IFR is set.
Bit 3 - T2RXIM: Timer2 SSI Receive Interrupt Mask Bit
Writing this bit to one enables an interrupt on the T2RXF Flag. A Timer2 SSI receive buffer full
interrupt (T2RXB) will be generated only if the T2RXIM bit is written to one, the Global Interrupt
Flag in SREG is written to one and the T2RXF bit in T2IFR is set.
Bit 2 - T2CPIM: Timer2 Capture Interrupt Mask Bit
Writing this bit to one enables an interrupt on the T2ICF Flag. A Timer2 capture interrupt
(T2CAP) will be generated only if the T2CPIM bit is written to one, the Global Interrupt Flag in
SREG is written to one and the T2ICF bit in T2IFR is set.
Initial Value