2013 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. ALTERA, ARRIA, CYCLONE, HARDCOPY, MAX, MEGACORE, NIOS, QUARTUS and STRATIX words and logos
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December 2013
1. Cyclone IV Device Datasheet
This chapter describes the electrical and switching characteristics for Cyclone IV
devices. Electrical characteristics include operating conditions and power
consumption. Switching characteristics include transceiver specifications, core, and
periphery performance. This chapter also describes I/O timing, including
programmable I/O element (IOE) delay and programmable output buffer delay.
This chapter includes the following sections:
Operating Conditions
When Cyclone IV devices are implemented in a system, they are rated according to a
set of defined parameters. To maintain the highest possible performance and
reliability of Cyclone IV devices, you must consider the operating requirements
described in this chapter.
Cyclone IV devices are offered in commercial, industrial, extended industrial and,
automotive grades. Cyclone IV E devices offer –6 (fastest), –7, –8, –8L, and –9L speed
grades for commercial devices, –8L speed grades for industrial devices, and –7 speed
grade for extended industrial and automotive devices. Cyclone IV GX devices offer
–6 (fastest), –7, and –8 speed grades for commercial devices and –7 speed grade for
industrial devices.
f For more information about the supported speed grades for respective Cyclone IV
1 Cyclone IV E devices are offered in core voltages of 1.0 and 1.2 V. Cyclone IV E
devices with a core voltage of 1.0 V have an ‘L’ prefix attached to the speed grade.
In this chapter, a prefix associated with the operating temperature range is attached to
the speed grades; commercial with a “C” prefix, industrial with an “I” prefix, and
automotive with an “A” prefix. Therefore, commercial devices are indicated as C6, C7,
C8, C8L, or C9L per respective speed grade. Industrial devices are indicated as I7, I8,
or I8L. Automotive devices are indicated as A7.
December 2013