Communications Processor (CP)
Three characters should first be entered into the UART control character table:
1. End of Line—The empty (E) bit is cleared; the reject (R) bit is cleared. When an end-
of-line character is received, the current buffer is closed (the next BD taken by the IMP)
and made available to the M68000 core for processing. This buffer contains an entire
S record, which the processor can now check and copy to memory or disk as required.
2. XOFF—E should be cleared and R should be set. Whenever the M68000 core re-
ceives a control character received interrupt and the receive control character register
contains XOFF, the software should immediately stop transmitting to the other station
by setting the FRZ bit in the UART mode register. This prevents data from being lost
by the other station when it runs out of receive buffers.
3. XON—XON should be received after XOFF. E should be cleared and R should be set.
The FRZ bit on the transmitter should now be cleared. The IMP automatically resumes
transmission of the serial line at the point at which it was previously stopped. Like
XOFF, the XON character is not stored in the receive buffer.
To receive the S records, the M68000 core must only wait for the RX interrupt, indicating the
reception of a complete S-record buffer. Transmission requires assembling S records into
data buffers and linking them to the transmit buffer table (transmission may be temporarily
halted by reception of an XOFF character). This scheme minimizes the number of interrupts
received by the M68000 core (one per S record) and relieves it from the task of continually
scanning for control characters.
4.5.12 HDLC Controller
Layer 2 of the seven-layer OSI model is the data link layer. One of the most common layer
2 protocols is HDLC. Many other common layer 2 protocols are heavily based on HDLC, par-
ticularly its framing structure: namely, SDLC, SS#7, LAPB, and LAPD. The framing structure
of HDLC is shown in Figure 4-24.
HDLC uses a zero insertion/deletion process (commonly known as bit-stuffing) to ensure
that the bit pattern of the delimiter flag does not occur in the fields between flags. The HDLC
frame is synchronous and therefore relies on the physical layer to provide a method of clock-
ing and synchronizing the transmitter and receiver.
Since the layer 2 frame can be transmitted over a point-to-point link, a broadcast network,
or packet and circuit-switched systems, an address field is needed to carry the frame's des-
tination address. The length of this field is commonly 0, 8, or 16 bits, depending on the data
link layer protocol. For instance, SDLC and LAPB use an 8-bit address. SS#7 has no ad-
dress field at all because it is always used in point-to-point signaling links. LAPD further di-
vides its 16-bit address into different fields to specify various access points within one piece
of equipment. It also defines a broadcast address. Some HDLC-type protocols also allow for
extended addressing beyond 16-bits.
Figure 4-24. Typical HDLC Frame