Changes From the TAS5508A to the TAS5508B
TAS5508B System Diagrams
8-Channel Digital Audio PWM Processor
High-pass filter is enabled by default (0x03 bit 7)
I2C register 0xD0 bit 30 is added in TAS5508B to support remapped output mixer configuration. It has
a default value of 0.
Table 1-1. I2C Register 0xD0 Bit 30 Usage
0xD0 Bit 30
Output Mixer Configuration
PWM (Speaker) Operation
Headphone operation
8-channel mode or
6-channel mode (2
Normal operation
channels become lineouts)
Constraints are placed in
setting the combined volume
8-channel mode
Normal Operation
below –109 dB and in using
individual channel mute.
0 (default)
Following the assertion or
Constraints are placed in
de-assertion of headphone,
6-channel mode (2
setting the combined volume
mute must be asserted and
channels become lineouts)
below –109 dB and in using
de-asserted using the
individual channel mute.
MUTE pin.
The pass-through output mixer configuration means that each DAP channel is mapped to the same output
PWM channel. For example, DAP channel 1 is routed to PWM channel 1, etc.
The remapped output mixer configuration means that the PWM channel could be a mix or rerouting of the
DAP channels. For example, DAP channel 2 is routed to PWM channel 1. This remapping causes some
The TAS55508 recommended initialization sequence to use the pass-through ouput mixer configuration
1. After TAS5508B reset, the default master volume is muted. It must be updated with a nonmute value
for the system to start.
2. I2C register 0xD0 bit 30 must be set to a value of 1.
Note that for best results, the pass-through ouput mixer configuration is recommended (0xD0 Bit
30 = 1).
When remapping or mixing DAP channels to different PWM output channels (remapped output mixer
configuration) consider the following limitations:
Individual channel mute should not be used.
The sum of the minimum channel volume and master volume should not be below –109 dB.
0xD0 bit 30 = 0
Typical applications for the TAS5508B are 6- to 8-channel audio systems such as DVD or AV receivers.
Figure 1-2 shows the basic system diagram of the DVD receiver.