The port is designed to operate from a master clock frequency of 14.31818 MHz, which is a standard frequency in
video applications: 4x the subcarrier frequency for NTSC. Many low-cost crystals are available for this frequency.
Default the internal oscillator will operate at 8x the master clock frequency, so about 114 MHz. This setting of 8x, which
is the value of the feedback divider in the analog PLL loop, is programmable (VCODIV register value). The user can
change this value when a master clock of a different frequency is connected. In this case care should be taken to keep
the internal high-frequency clock (i.e., master clock frequency x analog feedback divider) lower than 120 MHz. The
higher this internal frequency, the better the frequency resolution of the DTO.
When a crystal is used as the master clock source, it is not advised to use another frequency than the recommended
14.31818 MHz, since the internal oscillator circuitry is not production tested at other frequencies. If another master
clock is used, it is recommended to drive XTL1–MCLK by a direct clock signal. VCODIV should be programmed such
that the internal clock remains close to but less than 120 MHz.
14.31818 MHz
(To Digital PLL)
Figure 2–5. Analog PLL
Digital PLL
The digital PLL loop derives the ADC (pixel) clock frequency from the high-speed internal clock. A DTO will generate
an output frequency from a user-programmable DTO increment. To operate over the 13.5–80 or 95 MHz range, an
extra DTO clock output divider can be switched in. Appendix A shows the formula that relates the frequency of the
internal high-speed clock, the DTO increment value, and the DTO clock output divider to the PLL output frequency.
The PLL output, after the clock divider, is sent to the programmable feedback divider (TERM_CNT register value).
This value will typically be programmed to the number of total pixels per line for a given video/graphics format. The
output of this divider is then one input to the phase-frequency detector. Its other input is typically the horizontal sync
(HS) reference of a graphics/video signal. HS needs to be provided as a separate TTL/CMOS type signal to the
dedicated input terminal; See section 2.3
Composite Sync Slicer, to use the PLL in the case of input signals with a
composite sync. The polarity of HS is programmable (HS_POL register value).
Both HS and VS inputs on the THS8083 can accept a 3-V and a 5-V logic-compliant signal.
On the HS input, as on the VS input, a digital noise gate can be optionally switched in (HS_MS respectively VS_MS
register values). The user can program the minimum number of clock cycles that HS and VS have to be present before
they are interpreted as a valid HS and VS. This avoids having any spikes being interpreted as e.g. an active HS and
falsely updating the PLL.
The PFD produces a digital error value, signaling the phase/frequency difference between the HS input and the
divided PLL output clock. The integrated digital PLL loop filter subsequently filters this error value. This filter consists
of a proportional and integrator (accumulator) part. Gains of both parts are programmable (GAIN_N and GAIN_P
register values), each with eight settings. The higher the programmed value, the higher the gain in either the
proportional or integrator portions of the filter, which translates into a wider capture range and faster acquisition but
also higher steady-state jitter.