In-System Programming (ISP) can be performed
through the JTAG signals on Port C. This serial in-
terface allows programming of the entire DSM de-
vice or subsections (i.e. only Flash memory but not
the PLDs) without and participation of the DSP. A
blank DSM device soldered to a circuit board can
be completely programmed in 10 to 25 seconds.
The basic JTAG signals; TMS, TCK, TDI, and
TDO form the IEEE-1149.1 interface. The DSM
device does not implement the IEEE-1149.1
Boundary Scan functions. The DSM uses the
JTAG interface for ISP only. However, the DSM
device can reside in a standard JTAG chain with
other JTAG devices as it will remain in BYPASS
mode while other devices perform Boundary
ISP programming time can be reduced as much as
30% by using two more signals on Port C, TSTAT
and TERR in addition to TMS, TCK, TDI and TDO.
See Table 20. The FlashLINK
ming cable available from STMicroelectronics for
$59USD and PSDsoft Express software that is
available at no charge from www.st.com/psmis all
that is needed to program a DSM device using the
parallel port on any PC or laptop.
By default, the four pins on Port C are enabled for
the basic JTAG signals TMS, TCK, TDI, and TDO
on a blank device (and as shipped from factory)
See Application Note AN1153 for more details on
JTAG In-System Programming (ISP).
Standard JTAG Signals.
The standard JTAG
signals (TMS, TCK, TDI, and TDO) can be en-
abled by any of three different conditions that are
logically ORed.
The following symbolic logic equation specifies the
conditions enabling the four basic JTAG signals
(TMS, TCK, TDI, and TDO) on their respective
Port C pins. For purposes of discussion, the logic
label JTAG_ON is used. When JTAG_ON is true,
the four pins are enabled for JTAG operation.
When JTAG_ON is false, the four pins can be
used for general device I/O as specified in PSD-
soft Express. JTAG_ON can become true by any
of three different ways as shown:
1. PSDsoft Express Pin Configuration -OR-
2. PSDsoft Express PLD equation -OR-
3. DSP writes to register in csiopblock
Method 1
is most common. This is when the JTAG
pins are selected in PSDsoft Express to be “dedi-
cated” JTAG pins. They can always transmit and
receive JTAG information because they are “full-
time” JTAG pins.
Method 2
is used only when the JTAG pins are
multiplexed with general I/O functions. For de-
signs that need every I/O pin, the JTAG pins may
be used for general I/O when they are not used for
ISP. However, when JTAG pins are multiplexed
with general I/O functions, the designer must in-
clude a way to get the pins back into JTAG mode
when it is time for JTAG operations again. In this
case, a single PLD input from Ports B, C, or D
must be dedicated to switch the Port C pins from I/
O mode back to ISP mode at any time.
It is recom-
mended to physically connect this dedicated PLD
input pin to the JEN\ output signal from the
Flashlink cable when multiplexing JTAG signals.
See Application Note
for details.
Method 3
is rarely used to control JTAG pin oper-
ation. The DSP can set the port C pins to function
as JTAG ISP by setting the JTAG Enable bit in a
register of the
block, but as soon as the DSM
chip is reset, the csiop block registers are cleared,
which turns off the JTAG-ISP function. Controlling
JTAG pins using this method is not recommended.
Table 20. JTAG Port Signals
JTAG Extensions.
TSTAT and TERR are two
JTAG extension signals (must be used as a pair)
enabled by a command received over the four
standard JTAG signals (TMS, TCK, TDI, and
TDO) by PSDsoft Express. They are used to
speed Program and Erase cycles by indicating
status on device pins instead of having to scan the
status out serially using the standard JTAG chan-
nel. See Application Note
TERR indicates if an error has occurred when
erasing a sector or programming a byte in Flash
memory. This signal goes Low (active) when an
Error condition occurs.
TSTAT behaves the same as Ready/Busy de-
scribed previously.
is inactive logic 1 when
the device is in Read mode (Flash memory con-
tents can be read).
is logic 0 when Flash
memory Program or Erase cycles are in progress.
TSTAT and TERR can be configured as open-
drain type signals with PSDsoft Express. This fa-
cilitates a wired-OR connection of TSTAT signals
Port C Pin
JTAG Signals
Mode Select
Error Flag
Serial Data In
Serial Data Out