Drift Compensation
Drift compensation is available only in 16X oversampling mode. An hardware recovery system allows a larger clock drift.
To enable the hardware system, the bit in the USART_MAN register must be set. If the RXD edge is one 16X clock cycle
from the expected edge, this is considered as normal jitter and no corrective actions is taken. If the RXD event is
between 4 and 2 clock cycles before the expected edge, then the current period is shortened by one clock cycle. If the
RXD event is between 2 and 3 clock cycles after the expected edge, then the current period is lengthened by one clock
cycle. These intervals are considered to be drift and so corrective actions are automatically taken.
Figure 36-10. Bit Resynchronization Asynchronous Receiver
If the USART is programmed in asynchronous operating mode (SYNC = 0), the receiver oversamples the RXD input line.
The oversampling is either 16 or 8 times the baud rate clock, depending on the OVER bit in the US_MR.
The receiver samples the RXD line. If the line is sampled during one half of a bit time to 0, a start bit is detected and data,
parity and stop bits are successively sampled on the bit rate clock.
If the oversampling is 16, (OVER to 0), a start is detected at the eighth sample to 0. Data bits, parity bit and stop bit are
assumed to have a duration corresponding to 16 oversampling clock cycles. If the oversampling is 8 (OVER to 1), a start
bit is detected at the fourth sample to 0. Data bits, parity bit and stop bit are assumed to have a duration corresponding to
8 oversampling clock cycles.
The number of data bits, first bit sent and parity mode are selected by the same fields and bits as the transmitter, i.e.,
respectively CHRL, MODE9, MSBF and PAR. For the synchronization mechanism only, the number of stop bits has no
effect on the receiver as it considers only one stop bit, regardless of the field NBSTOP, so that resynchronization
between the receiver and the transmitter can occur. Moreover, as soon as the stop bit is sampled, the receiver starts
looking for a new start bit so that resynchronization can also be accomplished when the transmitter is operating with one
stop bit.
16x Clock
Expected edge