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required. Note that the SOG signal is always negative polarity.
For additional detail on setting the SOG threshold and other
Figure 4. Typical Clamp Configuration for RGB/YUV Applications
Clock Generation
A PLL is employed to generate the pixel clock. In this PLL,
the Hsync input provides a reference frequency. A voltage
controlled oscillator (VCO) generates a much higher pixel clock
frequency. This pixel clock is divided by the PLL divide value
(Registers 0x01 and 0x02) and phase compared with the Hsync
input. Any error is used to shift the VCO frequency and
maintain lock between the two signals.
The stability of this clock is a very important element in provi-
ding the clearest and most stable image. During each pixel time,
there is a period during which the signal slews from the old
pixel amplitude and settles at its new value. This is followed by a
time when the input voltage is stable before the signal must slew
to a new value. The ratio of the slewing time to the stable time is
a function of the bandwidth of the graphics DAC and the
bandwidth of the transmission system (cable and termination).
It is also a function of the overall pixel rate. Clearly, if the
dynamic characteristics of the system remain fixed, then the
slewing and settling time is likewise fixed. This time must be
subtracted from the total pixel period, leaving the stable period.
At higher pixel frequencies, the total cycle time is shorter and
the stable pixel time also becomes shorter.
Figure 5. Pixel Sampling Times
Any jitter in the clock reduces the precision with which the
sampling time can be determined and must also be subtracted
from the stable pixel time. Considerable care has been taken in
the design of the AD9880’s clock generation circuit to minimize
jitter. The clock jitter of the AD9880 is less than 13% of the total
pixel time in all operating modes, making the reduction in the
valid sampling time due to jitter negligible.
The PLL characteristics are determined by the loop filter design,
the PLL charge pump current, and the VCO range setting. The
loop filter design is illustrated in
Figure 6. Recommended set-
tings of the VCO range and charge pump current for VESA
standard display modes are listed in
Table 8.
Figure 6. PLL Loop Filter Detail
Four programmable registers are provided to optimize the
performance of the PLL. These registers are
The 12-Bit Divisor Register. The input Hsync frequency
range can be any frequency which, combined with the
PLL_Div, does not exceed the VCO range . The PLL multi-
plies the frequency of the Hsync signal, producing pixel
clock frequencies in the range of 10 MHz to 100 MHz. The
divisor register controls the exact multiplication factor.
The 2-Bit VCO Range Register. To improve the noise
performance of the AD9880, the VCO operating frequency
range is divided into four overlapping regions. The VCO
range register sets this operating range. The frequency
ranges for the lowest and highest regions are shown in
Table 6.
Pixel Rate Range
The 5-Bit Phase Adjust Register. The phase of the
generated sampling clock can be shifted to locate an
optimum sampling point within a clock cycle. The phase
adjust register provides 32 phase-shift steps of 11.25° each.
The Hsync signal with an identical phase shift is available
through the HSOUT pin.
The COAST pin or the internal Coast is used to allow the PLL
to continue to run at the same frequency, in the absence of the
incoming Hsync signal or during disturbances in Hsync (such
as equalization pulses). This can be used during the vertical
sync period or any other time that the Hsync signal is unavail-
able. The polarity of the Coast signal can be set through the
Coast polarity register. Also, the polarity of the Hsync signal
can be set through the Hsync polarity register. For both Hsync
and Coast, a value of 1 is active high. The internal Coast
function is driven off the Vsync signal, which is typically a time
when Hsync signals can be disrupted with extra equalization