GT-482xx Switched Ethernet Controllers for 10+10/100 BaseX
Revision 1.2
Currently all members of the Galaxy Switch Family are “supersocket compatible”. This means that a properly
designed system can accept a GT-48207 (unmanaged 8+2), a GT-48208 (managed 8+2) or a GT-48212 (man-
aged 12+2).
This section describes how to design such a system.
Pinout Differences between GT-48207, GT-48208, and GT-48212 Devices
The pinout differences between the three Galaxy devices are summarized in
Table 64.19.2
Using a GT-48212 in a GT-48208/7 Socket: Disabling Unused Ethernet Ports
The GT-48208 and GT-48207 do not implement Ethernet port numbers 1, 5, 7 and 11 that are found on the GT-
48212. In GT-48208/7 silicon these ports do not exist so no special “tying off” is required. However, if you need to
use a GT-48212 in a GT-48208/7 socket (using only 8 of the 12 ports) then you MUST properly disable these
ports. Simply following the attached pinout for the GT-48208/7 will disable these ports if a GT-48212 is placed in
the same socket. The pins that are used for receive data for the ports not implemented on the GT-48207/8
(RxdE1,5,7,11) are shown as Vcc (pins 29, 31, 46, and 50). This disables these ports and prevents accidental
clocking when using a GT-48212 in a GT-48208/7 design.
If you wish to build a system that can implement either 12 or 8 Ethernet ports in the same socket, be sure to pull
these pins high through a resistor or jumper. That way you can make it a “stuffing option” to disable the 4 addi-
tional ports or to implement them when a GT-48212 is installed.
Note: The attached pinout for the GT-48208/7 is updated from previous documentation to reflect the “tying off” of
RxdE1/5/7/11. This is the final pinout.
Using a GT-48212 or GT-48208 in a GT-48207 Socket: Disabling Unused CPU
A similar situation exists with regards to the CPU interface when using a GT-48212/08 in a GT-48207 socket.
Since the GT-48207 does not implement this interface, if you wish to use a GT-48208/212 in a GT-48207 socket
then you MUST properly disable the CPU interface. Simply following the attached pinout for the GT-48207 will dis-
able the CPU interface if a GT-48208/212 is placed in the GT-48207 socket.
Table 64: Pinout Differences
G a laxy
De v ic e
Funct ions not
implement e d
P ins D e let e d
N ote
Baseline pinout
Ethernet ports 1, 5, 7
and 11
All pins relating to these
For a GT-48212 to be used in a GT-
48208 socket you must properly dis-
able the four unused Ethernet ports
as described below.
Ethernet ports 1, 5, 7
and 11
Management CPU
All pins relating to the
these Ethernet ports and
the CPU interface
For a GT-48212 to be used in a GT-
48207 socket you must properly dis-
able the four unused Ethernet ports
and disable the CPU interface.