The ICS1890 is essentially a nibble/bit stream processor.
When transmitting, it takes sequential nibbles presented at
the Media Independent Interface (MII) and translates them to
aserial bitstream for transmissionon themedia. When receiving,
it takes the serial bit stream from the media and translates it to
sequential nibbles for presentation to the MII. It has no
knowledge of the underlying structure of the MAC frame it is
100Base-TX Operation
When transmitting, the ICS1890 encapsulates the MAC
frame (including the preamble) with the start-of-stream and
end-of-stream delimiters. When receiving, it strips off the
SSD and substitutes the normal preamble pattern and then
presents this and subsequent preamble nibbles to the MII.
When it encounters the ESD, it ends the presentation of
nibbles to the MII. Thus, the MAC reconciliation layer sees
an exact copy of the transmitted frame.
During periods when no frames are being transmitted or
received, the device signals and detects the idle condition.
This allows the higher levels to determine the integrity of the
connection. In the 100Base-TX mode, a continuous stream of
scrambled ones is transmitted signifying the idle condition.
The receive channel includes logic that monitors the IDLE
data stream to look for this pattern and thereby establishes
the link integrity.
The 100M Stream Interface option allows access to raw groups
of 5-bit data with lower latency through the PHY. This is useful
in building repeaters where latency is critical.
10Base-T Operation
In 10Base-T mode, the bit stream on the cable is identical to
the de-composed MAC frame. Link pulses are used to establish
the channel integrity. When receiving, the ICS1890 first
synchronizes to the preamble. Once lock is detected, it begins
to present preamble nibbles to the MII. On detection of the
SFD, it frames the subsequent 4-bits which are the first data
The ICS1890 is designed to be fully configurable using
either hardware pins or the (usually) software-driven MII
Management interface, as selected with the HW/SW pin. A
rich set of configuration options are provided. This allows
diverse system implementations and costs.