0: No LIN Identifier has been sent since the last RSTSTA.
– 1:At least one LIN Identifier has been sent since the last RSTSTA.If USART operates in LIN Slave Mode
0: No LIN Identifier has been received since the last RSTSTA.
1:At least one LIN Identifier has been received since the last RSTSTA
LINTC: LIN Transfer Completed
0: The USART is idle or a LIN transfer is ongoing.
1: A LIN transfer has been completed since the last RSTSTA.
CTSIC: Clear to Send Input Change Flag
0: No input change has been detected on the CTS pin since the last read of US_CSR.
1: At least one input change has been detected on the CTS pin since the last read of US_CSR.
CTS: Image of CTS Input
0: CTS is at 0.
1: CTS is at 1.
MANERR: Manchester Error
0: No Manchester error has been detected since the last RSTSTA.
1: At least one Manchester error has been detected since the last RSTSTA.
LINBE: LIN Bit Error
0: No Bit Error has been detected since the last RSTSTA.
1: A Bit Error has been detected since the last RSTSTA.
LINISFE: LIN Inconsistent Synch Field Error
0: No LIN Inconsistent Synch Field Error has been detected since the last RSTSTA
1: The USART is configured as a Slave node and a LIN Inconsistent Synch Field Error has been detected since the last
LINIPE: LIN Identifier Parity Error
0: No LIN Identifier Parity Error has been detected since the last RSTSTA.
1: A LIN Identifier Parity Error has been detected since the last RSTSTA.
LINCE: LIN Checksum Error
0: No LIN Checksum Error has been detected since the last RSTSTA.
1: A LIN Checksum Error has been detected since the last RSTSTA.
LINSNRE: LIN Slave Not Responding Error
0: No LIN Slave Not Responding Error has been detected since the last RSTSTA.
1: A LIN Slave Not Responding Error has been detected since the last RSTSTA.