Multi-Service Access Device For Channelized Interfaces
Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use
Document ID: PMC-1990823, Issue 4
11.29 SONET/SDH Inband Error Report Processor (SIRP)
The SIRP processes remote alarm indications of in a SONET/SDH data stream. The SIRP may be
configured to extract remote defect indications (RDI) and remote error indications (REI) that
have been inserted into the G1 byte by an external upstream device. These remote error
indications are accumulated and reported at the G1 byte of the associated tributary in the outgoing
data stream. Both RDI and extended RDI modes are available. The RDI report can be
configured to be maintained asserted for at least 10 frames or 20 frames.
The RDI and REI indications on the transmit data stream can also be asserted manually under
microprocessor control.
11.30 Timeslot Interchange (STSI)
An STSI block is used for each of the input and output parallel TelecomBus interfaces. For the
serial TelecomBus interfaces, an STSI block is used for each of the input and output working and
protection interfaces.
The STSI is used to re-order the timeslots inside a SONET/SDH data stream. The STS-48/STM-
16 timeslots can be reordered on an STS-1/STM-0 granularity. Any STS-1/STM-0 can be
dropped, moved or copied to one or more STS-1/STM-0 data streams inside a SONET/SDH data
The STSI uses two configuration pages. Either of the two pages specifies the re-ordering
operations to be performed on the data streams. In normal operation, one of the pages is active,
containing the information used to reorder the current data stream. The other page can be updated
by an external microprocessor in the background. When a configuration change is indicated, the
two pages are swapped and the most recently updated page becomes the active page. Selection of
the page currently in use is made using the ICMP and OCMP pins.
The re-ordering of the input STS-1/STM-0 payload is based on the output STS-1/STM-0 payload,
i.e.: each output STS-1/STM-0 time slot is associated with one input STS-1/STM-0 time slot. By
defining the re-ordering based on the output STS-1/STM-0 payload, the STSI directly supports
multicast and broadcast.
11.31 Receive 8B/10B TelecomBus Decoder (R8TD)
The R8TD is used in the serial TelecomBus interface. The R8TD works in conjunction with an
upstream block (PISO) that packs consecutive bits from an incoming 8B/10B serial link into a 10-
bit wide stream with arbitrary alignment to the 8B/10B character boundaries.