Development Support
April 2001 Revised October 2005
TMS320x281x Multi-channel Buffered Serial Ports (McBSPs) Reference Guide (literature number
SPRU061) describes the McBSP) available on the 281x devices. The McBSPs allow direct interface between
a DSP and other devices in a system.
TMS320x281x System Control and Interrupts Reference Guide (literature number SPRU078) describes
the various interrupts and system control features of the 281x digital signal processors (DSPs).
TMS320x281x, 280x Enhanced Controller Area Network (eCAN) Reference Guide (literature number
SPRU074) describes the eCAN that uses established protocol to communicate serially with other controllers
in electrically noisy environments. With 32 fully configurable mailboxes and time-stamping feature, the eCAN
module provides a versatile and robust serial communication interface. The eCAN module implemented in
the C28x DSP is compatible with the CAN 2.0B standard (active).
TMS320x281x, 280x Peripheral Reference Guide (literature number SPRU566) describes the peripheral
reference guides of the 28x digital signal processors (DSPs).
TMS320x281x, 280x Serial Communication Interface (SCI) Reference Guide (literature number
SPRU051) describes the SCI that is a two-wire asynchronous serial port, commonly known as a UART. The
SCI modules support digital communications between the CPU and other asynchronous peripherals that use
the standard non-return-to-zero (NRZ) format.
TMS320x281x, 280x Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Reference Guide (literature number SPRU059)
describes the SPI a high-speed synchronous serial input/output (I/O) port that allows a serial bit stream of
programmed length (one to sixteen bits) to be shifted into and out of the device at a programmed bit-transfer
rate. The SPI is used for communications between the DSP controller and external peripherals or another
3.3 V DSP for Digital Motor Control Application Report (literature number SPRA550). The application
report first describes a scenario of a 3.3-V-only motor controller indicating that for most applications, no
significant issue of interfacing between 3.3 V and 5 V exists. Cost-effective 3.3-V/5-V interfacing techniques
are then discussed for the situations where such interfacing is needed. On-chip 3.3-V analog-to-digital
converter (ADC) versus 5-V ADC is also discussed. Guidelines for component layout and printed circuit board
(PCB) design that can reduce system noise and EMI effects are summarized in the last section.
The TMS320C28x Instruction Set Simulator Technical Overview (literature number SPRU608) describes
the simulator, available within the Code Composer Studio for TMS320C2000 IDE, that simulates the
instruction set of the C28x core.
TMS320C28x DSP/BIOS Application Programming Interface (API) Reference Guide (literature number
SPRU625) describes development using DSP/BIOS.
TMS320C28x Assembly Language Tools User’s Guide (literature number SPRU513) describes the
assembly language tools (assembler and other tools used to develop assembly language code), assembler
directives, macros, common object file format, and symbolic debugging directives for the TMS320C28x
TMS320C28x Optimizing C Compiler User’s Guide (literature number SPRU514) describes the
C/C++ compiler. This compiler accepts ANSI standard C/C++ source code and produces
DSP assembly language source code for the TMS320C28x device.
Programming Examples for the TMS320F281x eCAN (literature number SPRA876) contains several
programming examples to illustrate how the eCAN module is set up for different modes of operation. The
objective is to help you come up to speed quickly in programming the eCAN. All programs have been
extensively commented to aid easy understanding. The CANalyzer tool from Vector CANtech, Inc. was used
to monitor and control the bus operation. All projects and CANalyzer configuration files are included in the
attached file.