Revision 0.2
March 10, 2000
Register Descriptions
Technologies, Inc.
Filter Registers
Offset 100 (Set), 104 (Clear) – Async Req Filter High.. RW
Async Request Resources All Buses
Asynchronous requests received from non-
local bus nodes will be accepted only if the bit
which is set corresponds to the node number
(see the remaining bits of this register and the
“Async Request Filter Low” register)...default
All asynchronous requests received from non-
local bus nodes will be accepted.
Bus reset does not affect the value of this bit
30-0 Async Request Resource “N”
.................default = 0
If set to one for local bus node number N+32,
asynchronous requests received from that node
number will be accepted. The bit number
corresponds to the node number + 32. Bus reset sets
all bits of this field to 0.
Offset 108 (Set), 10C (Clear) – Async Req Filter Low . RW
31-0 Async Request Resource “N”
.................default = 0
If set to one for local bus node number N,
asynchronous requests received from that node
number will be accepted. The bit number
corresponds to the node number. Bus reset sets all
bits of this field to 0.
Offset 110 (Set), 114 (Clear) – Physical Req Filter High RW
Physical Request Resources All Buses
Asynchronous physical requests received from
non-local bus nodes will be accepted only if
the bit which is set corresponds to the node
number (see the remaining bits of this register
and the “Physical Request Filter Low”
All asynchronous physical requests received
from non-local bus nodes will be accepted.
Bus reset does not affect the value of this bit.
30-0 Physical Request Resource “N”
..............default = 0
If set to one for local bus node number N+32,
asynchronous physical requests received from that
node number will be accepted. The bit number
corresponds to the node number + 32. Bus reset sets
all bits of this field to 0.
Offset 118 (Set), 11C (Clear) – Physical Req Filter Low RW
31-0 Physical Request Resource “N”
..............default = 0
If set to one for local bus node number N,
asynchronous physical requests received from that
node number will be accepted. The bit number
corresponds to the node number. Bus reset sets all
bits of this field to 0