A CAN-controller instead of the I2C-serial interface.
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
Primary attention is paid to the reduction of electromagnetic emission of the microcontroller P8xCE598. The following features reduce the
electromagnetic emission and additionally improve the electromagnetic susceptibility:
One analog part power supply pin (AV
DD ) and one analog part ground pin (AVSS ), placed as a pair of pins on one side of the
package , providing power supply (+5V) and ground for ADC, CAN receiver and reference voltage.
Four digital part supply voltage pins (V
DD1 to VDD4 ) and four digital part ground pins (VSS1 to VSS4 ) are provided on the package.
These pins, one V
DD and one VSS as a pair of pins are placed on each of the four sides of the package to provide:
- V
DD1 /VSS1 for internal logic (CPU, Timers/counters, Memory, CAN, UART, ADC)
- V
DD2 /VSS2 for Port 1, Port 3 and Port 4, and PWM0 and PWM1 outputs
- V
DD3 /VSS3 for the on-chip oscillator
- V
DD4 /VSS4 for the Port 0, Port 2, ALE output and PSEN output.
External capacitors should be connected across associated V
DDx and VSSx pins (i.e. VDD1 and VSS1 ). Lead length should be as short
as possible. Ceramic chip capacitors are recommended (100 nF).
One CAN supply voltage pin (CV
DD ) and one CAN ground pin (CVSS ) as a pair of pins placed on one side of the package providing
(digital part) power supply (+5V) and ground for the CAN transmitter outputs.
Internal decoupling capacitance improves the EMC radiation behaviour and the EMC immunity.
Recommendation on ALE
For application that require no external memory or temporarily no external memory: the ALE output signal (pulses at a frequency of 1 ¤6
fOSC) can be disabled under software control (bit 5 in PCON SFR: ‘RFI’); if disabled, no ALE pulse will occur. ALE pin will be pulled down
internally, switching an external address latch to a quiet state. The MOVX instruction will still toggle ALE as a normal MOVX.
ALE will retain its normal HIGH value during Idle mode and a LOW value during Power-down mode while in the ‘RFI reduction mode’.
Additionally during internal access (EA = 1) ALE will toggle normally when the address exceeds the internal Program Memory size. During
external access (EA = 0) ALE will always toggle normally, whether the flag ‘RFI’ is set or not.
Refer to our CAN page for more information
80C51 central processing unit (CPU)
32 kbytes on-chip ROM, externally expandible to 64 kbytes
2 x 256 bytes on-chip RAM, externally expandible to 64 kbytes
Two standard 16-bit timers/counters
One additional 16-bit timer/counter coupled to four capture and three compare registers
10-bit ADC with 8 multiplexed analog inputs