Delta39K ISR
CPLD Family
Document #: 38-03039 Rev. *H
Page 15 of 86
Configuration can begin in two ways. It can be initiated by
toggling the Reconfig pin from LOW to HIGH, or by issuing the
appropriate IEEE STD 1149.1 JTAG instruction to the
Delta39K device via the JTAG interface. There are two IEEE
STD 1149.1 JTAG instructions that initiate configuration of the
Delta39K. The Self Config instruction causes the Delta39K to
(re)configure with data stored in the serial boot PROM or the
embedded FLASH memory. The Load Config instruction
causes the Delta39K to (re)configure according to data
provided by other sources such as a PC, automatic test
equipment (ATE), or an embedded micro-controller/processor
via the JTAG interface. For more information on configuring
Delta39K devices, refer to the application note titled “Config-
uring Delta39K/Quantum38K” at
There are two configuration options available for issuing the
IEEE STD 1149.1 JTAG instructions to the Delta39K. The first
method is to use a PC with the C3ISR programming cable and
software. With this method, the ISR pins of the Delta39K
devices in the system are routed to a connector at the edge of
the printed circuit board. The C3ISR programming cable is
then connected between the PC and this connector. A simple
programming operations to be performed on the Delta39K
devices in the system. The ISR software then automatically
completes all of the necessary data manipulations required to
accomplish configuration, reading, verifying, and other ISR
functions. For more information on the Cypress ISR interface,
see the ISR Programming Kit data sheet (CY3900i).
The second configuration option for the Delta39K is to utilize
the embedded controller or processor that already exists in the
system. The Delta39K ISR software assists in this method by
converting the device HEX file into the ISR serial stream that
contains the ISR instruction information and the addresses
and data of locations to be configured. The embedded
controller then simply directs this ISR stream to the chain of
Delta39K devices to complete the desired reconfiguration or
diagnostic operations. Contact your local sales office for infor-
mation on the availability of this option.
The on-chip FLASH device of the Delta39K Self-Boot package
is programmed by issuing the appropriate IEEE STD 1149.1
JTAG instruction to the internal FLASH memory via the JTAG
interface. This can be done automatically using ISR/STAPL
software. The configuration bits are sent from a PC through
the JTAG port into the Delta39K via the C3ISR programming
cable. The data is then internally passed from Delta39K to the
on-chip FLASH. For more information on how to program the
Delta39K through ISR/STAPL, please refer to the ISR/STAPL
User Guide.
The external CPLD boot EEPROM used to store configuration
data for the Delta39K volatile package is programmed through
Cypress’s CYDH2200E CPLD Boot PROM Programming Kit
via a two-wire interface. For more information on how to
program the CPLD boot EEPROM, please refer to the data
sheet titled “CYDH2200E CPLD Boot PROM Programming
Kit.” For more information on the architecture and timing speci-
fication of the boot EEPROM, refer to the data sheet titled
“512K/1Mb CPLD Boot EEPROM” or “2-Mbit CPLD Boot
Third-Party Programmers
Cypress support is available on a wide variety of third-party
programmers. All major programmers (including BP Micro,
System General, Hi-Lo) support the Delta39K family.
Development Software Support
Warp is a state-of-the-art design environment for designing
with Cypress programmable logic. Warp utilizes a subset of
IEEE 1076/1164 VHDL and IEEE 1364 as the Hardware
Description Language (HDL) for design entry. Warp accepts
VHDL or Verilog input, synthesizes and optimizes the entered
design, and outputs a configuration bitstream for the desired
Delta39K device. For simulation, Warp provides a graphical
waveform simulator as well as VHDL and Verilog Timing
VHDL and Verilog are open, powerful, non-proprietary
Hardware Description Languages (HDLs) that are standards
for behavioral design entry and simulation. HDL allows
designers to learn a single language that is useful for all facets
of the design process.
Third-Party Software
Cypress products are supported in a number of third-party
design entry and simulation tools. Refer to the third-party
software data sheet or contact your local sales office for a list
of currently supported third party vendors.
Instruction Register
Boundary Scan
ISR Prog.
Bypass Reg.
Data Registers
Figure 11. JTAG Interface