A rising edge (LOW-to-HIGH transition) of RCLK initi-
ates a FIFO read cycle if LD is HIGH, or a programma-
ble-register read cycle if LD is LOW. All output-side
synchronous control inputs must meet setup and hold
times with respect to the rising edge of RCLK. The 18 data
outputs, and the output-side status flags, are meaningful
after specified time intervals, following a rising edge of
Conceptually, the RCLK input receives a free-running,
periodic ‘clock’ waveform, which is used to control other
signals which are edge-sensitive. However, there actually
is not any absolute requirement that the RCLK waveform
mustbe periodic. An ‘a(chǎn)synchronous’ mode of operation is
in fact possible, if REN is continuously asserted (that is,
is continuously held LOW), and RCLK receives aperiodic
‘clock’ pulses of suitable duration. There likewise is no
requirement that RCLK must have any particular synchro-
nization relation to the write clock WCLK. These two clock
inputs may in fact receive the same ‘clock’ signal; or they
may receive totally-different signals, which are not syn-
chronized to each other in any way.
Whenever REN is being asserted (is LOW), and the
FIFO is not empty, an 18-bit data word is loaded into the
output register from the memory array at every RCLK
rising edge (LOW-to-HIGH transition). Data words are
read from the two-port memory array sequentially, regard-
less of any ongoing write operation. Whenever REN is not
being asserted (is HIGH), the output register retains
whatever data word it contained previously, and no new
data word gets loaded into it from the memory array.
To prevent underrunning the internal FIFO boundaries,
further read operations are inhibited whenever the Empty
Flag (EF) is being asserted (is LOW). If a valid write
operation then occurs, upon the completion of that write
cycle EF again goes HIGH after a time t
, and another
read operation is allowed to begin whenever RCLK
makes another LOW-to-HIGH transition. Effectively, REN
is overridden by EF; thus, during normal FIFO operation,
REN has no effect when the FIFO is empty.
In the Enhanced Operating Mode, one (or, some-
times two) additional read-enable inputs may be
ANDed with REN to control reading, depending on
the state of Control-Register Bit 05. The additional
read-enable input(s) are REN
(and OE).
Whenever EMODE is being asserted (is LOW),
functions as REN
, an additional duplicate
(albeit assertive-HIGH) Read-Enable nput, in order to
provide an ‘interlocking’ mechanism for reliable
synchronization of two paralleled FIFOs.
Also, if Control Register bit 05 has been set, OE
takes on the extra role of serving as yet another
duplicate read-enable input, in addition to its usual
function of controlling the FIFO’s data outputs, in
order to inhibit further read operations whenever the
FIFO’s data outputs are disabled, and thereby to
prevent data loss under some circumstances.
OE is an assertive-LOW, asynchronous, output
enable. In the IDT-Compatible Operating Mode, OE has
only the effect of enabling or disabling the data outputs
– Q
. That is, disabling Q
– Q
does not inhibit a
read operation, for data being transmitted to the output
register; the same data will remain available later, when
the outputs are again enabled, unless subsequently over-
written. When Q
– Q
are enabled, each of these 18
data outputs is in a normal HIGH or LOW state, according
to the bit pattern of the data word in the output register.
When Q
– Q
are disabled, each of these outputs is in
the high-Z (high-impedance) state.
In the Enhanced Operating Mode, if Control Regis-
ter bit 05 has been set, OE behaves as an additional
read-enable control input, as well as enabling and
disabling the data outputs Q
– Q
. Under these
circumstances, incrementing the read-address
pointer is inhibited whenever Q
– Q
are in the
high-Z state. Thus, ‘reading’ successive words which
fail ever to reach the outputs is prevented, as a
safeguard against data loss.
The Sharp LH540215/25 FIFOs contain
programmable registers. The contents of these three
registers may be loaded with data from the data inputs
– D
, or read out onto the data outputs Q
– Q
. The
first two registers are the Programmable-Flag-Offset-
Value Registers, for the Programmable Almost-Empty
Flag (PAE) and the Programmable Almost-Full Flag (PAF)
The third register is the Control Register,
which includes several configuration-control bits
for selectively enabling and disabling Sharp’s
Enhanced-Operating-Mode features.
None of these three registers makes use of all of its
available 18 bits. Figure 5 shows which bit positions of
each register are operational. The two Programmable-
Flag-Offset-Value Registers each contain an offset value
in bits 0-8 (LH540215) or bits 0 – 9 (LH540225); bits 9 –
17 (LH540215) or bits 10 – 17 (LH540225) are unused.
The default values for both offsets are one-eighth of the
total number of words in the FIFO memory array, minus
one: 63 for a 512
18 FIFO, and 127 for a 1024
BOLD ITALIC = Enhanced Operating Mode
512 x 18/1024 x 18 Synchronous FIFO