M36DR432C, M36DR432D
P/E.C. status is indicated during execution by Data
Polling on DQ7, detection of Toggle on DQ6 and
DQ2, or Error on DQ5 bits. Any read attempt within
the Bank being modified and during Program or
Erase command execution will automatically out-
put these five Status Register bits. The P/E.C. au-
tomatically sets bits DQ2, DQ5, DQ6 and DQ7.
Other bits (DQ0, DQ1 and DQ4) are reserved for
future use and should be masked (see Tables 17
and 16). Read attempts within the bank not being
modified will output array data.
Data Polling Bit (DQ7).
When Programming op-
erations are in progress, this bit outputs the com-
plement of the bit being programmed on DQ7. In
case of a double word program operation, the
complement is done on DQ7 of the last word writ-
ten to the command interface, i.e. the data written
in the fifth cycle. During Erase operation, it outputs
a '0'. After completion of the operation, DQ7 will
output the bit last programmed or a '1' after eras-
ing. Data Polling is valid and only effective during
P/E.C. operation, that is after the fourth WF pulse
for programming or after the sixth WF pulse for
erase. It must be performed at the address being
programmed or at an address within the block be-
ing erased. See Figure 25 for the Data Polling
flowchart and Figure 12 for the Data Polling wave-
forms. DQ7 will also flag the Erase Suspend mode
by switching from '0' to '1' at the start of the Erase
Suspend. In order to monitor DQ7 in the Erase
Suspend mode an address within a block being
erased must be provided. For a Read Operation in
Suspend mode, DQ7 will output '1' if the read is at-
tempted on a block being erased and the data val-
ue on other blocks. During Program operation in
Erase Suspend Mode, DQ7 will have the same be-
havior as in the normal program execution outside
of the suspend mode.
Toggle Bit (DQ6).
When Programming or Eras-
ing operations are in progress, successive at-
tempts to read DQ6 will output complementary
data. DQ6 will toggle following toggling of either
GF, or EF when GF is at V
. The operation is com-
pleted when two successive reads yield the same
output data. The next read will output the bit last
programmed or a '1' after erasing. The toggle bit
DQ6 is valid only during P/E.C. operations, that is
after the fourth WF pulse for programming or after
the sixth WF pulse for Erase. DQ6 will be set to '1'
if a Read operation is attempted on an Erase Sus-
pend block. When erase is suspended DQ6 will
toggle during programming operations in a block
different from the block in Erase Suspend. Either
EF or GF toggling will cause DQ6 to toggle. See
Figure 25 for Toggle Bit flowchart and Figure 13
for Toggle Bit waveforms.
Toggle Bit (DQ2).
This toggle bit, together with
DQ6, can be used to determine the device status
during the Erase operations. During Erase Sus-
pend a read from a block being erased will cause
DQ2 to toggle. A read from a block not being
erased will output data. DQ2 will be set to '1'during
program operation and to ‘0’ in Erase operation.
After erase completion and if the error bit DQ5 is
set to '1', DQ2 will toggle if the faulty block is ad-
Error Bit (DQ5).
This bit is set to '1' by the P/E.C.
when there is a failure of programming or block
erase, that results in invalid data in the memory
block. In case of an error in block erase or pro-
gram, the block in which the error occurred or to
which the programmed data belongs, must be dis-
carded. Other Blocks may still be used. The error
bit resets after a Read/Reset (RD) instruction. In
case of success of Program or Erase, the error bit
will be set to '0'.
Erase Timer Bit (DQ3).
This bit is set to ‘0’ by the
P/E.C. when the last block Erase command has
been entered to the Command Interface and it is
awaiting the Erase start. When the erase timeout
period is finished, DQ3 returns to ‘1’, in the range
of 80μs to 120μs.
Table 16. Polling and Toggle Bits
Erase Suspend Read
(in Erase Suspend
Erase Suspend Read
(outside Erase Suspend
Erase Suspend Program