Rev. 15 Oct 2000
during a port data register read is the value of the multiplexed address latches which
drive MA[2:0], regardless of the data direction setting.
Similarly, when an external trigger queue operating mode is selected, the data direc-
tion register setting for the corresponding pins, PQA3 and/or PQA4, is ignored. The
port pins are forced to be digital inputs for ETRIG1 and/or ETRIG2. The data read
during a port data register read is the actual value of the pin, regardless of the data
direction register setting.
8.8.1 Port Data Register
QADC ports A and B are accessed through two 8-bit port data registers (PORTQA and
PORTQB). Port A pins are referred to as PQA[7:0] when used as an 8-bit input/output
port. Port A can also be used for analog inputs AN[59:52], external trigger inputs
ETRIG[2:1], and external multiplexer address outputs MA[2:0].
Port B pins are referred to as PQB[7:0] when used as an 8-bit input-only digital port.
Port B can also be used for non-multiplexed AN[51:48]/AN[3:0] and multiplexed ANz,
ANy, ANx, ANw analog inputs.
ister for register and bit descriptions.
8.8.2 Port Data Direction Register
The port data direction register (DDRQA) is associated with the port A digital I/O pins.
These bidirectional pins have somewhat higher leakage and capacitance specifica-
Any bit in this register set to one configures the corresponding pin as an output. Any
bit in this register cleared to zero configures the corresponding pin as an input. Soft-
ware is responsible for ensuring that DDRQA bits are not set to one on pins used for
analog inputs. When a DDRQA bit is set to one and the pin is selected for analog
conversion, the voltage sampled is that of the output digital driver as influenced by the
Caution should be exercised when mixing digital and analog inputs.
This should be minimized as much as possible. Input pin rise and fall
times should be as large as possible to minimize AC coupling effects.
Since port B is input-only, a data direction register is not needed. Read operations on
the reserved bits in DDRQA return zeros, and writes have no effect. Refer to D.5.5 8.9 External Multiplexing Operation
External multiplexers concentrate a number of analog signals onto a few inputs to the
analog converter. This is helpful in applications that need to convert more analog sig-